14 | Change of Plans

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"Okay, so the tornado can start in Denver and go through four towns around here" I say outloud, while also writing it in Bruce's notebook.

"Sounds good" Bruce nods with a smile.

"How many injuries should we have?" I ask as I write, number of injuries:

"Ummm, maybe 23. Tornadoes don't normally have that large of numbers, right?" Bruce asks.

"I don't think so" I answer. Number of injuries: 23


"How many deaths?" I ask the boy as he stands up and starts messing with his bat.

"2" He answers as he swings his bat.

"If you hit me with that thing I'm shoving it up your ass" I laugh as I eye the bat in the boy's hands.

"Okay okay" Bruce says, putting the bat down.

Deaths: 2

"This is boring, wanna watch a movie?" Bruce asks, opening his door to the living room.

"What kind of movie?" I ask.

"Horror movie" Bruce replies. I'm totally in.

Authors note

The chapters are probably gonna be pretty short from now on. I'm really focused on a book called 'Watching You Disappear' the introduction is posted on my page, I'm currently prewriting it. It's a Dixon oc x Glenn rhee. It's a walking dead fanfiction for those who are interested <3

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