06 | Robin Knows Best

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I'm sitting on my couch, a blank stare written on my features as Vance and Robin are play fighting by the small recliner. I can't get Bruce out of my head. Was he really gonna kiss me? Did he mean too? Am I overthinking this?

"Skye?" Robin questions, snapping his fingers in front of my face, taking me out of the trance. "Skyye?"

"What?" I ask, turning my head to him.

"What're you so deep in thought about over there?" Vance asks.

"Nothin" I lie. "I'm just tired today"

"Wanna go to the grocery store and buy some snacks?" Robin suggests to the both of us.

"Not me" Vance lazily replies from the recliner hes sat in.

"I'll go" I offer, smiling at the boy.

I stand up to grab to grab my wallet, and walk to my room, then back out to the front door, where Robin is putting on his boots.

"Bye Blondie!" I yell to my brother.

"Bye Skye!" He yells back, throwing his hand up as a small wave while I close the door.

"So what were you doing today?" Robin asks as we walk down the pavement.

"I went on a bike ride. Then I got a milkshake" I answer.

"Ooo. Milkshakes sound good as hell right now" Robin chuckles.

Should I tell him about Bruce? No. He might tell Vance.

"So what happened with you and Vance?" I ask as the wind picks up. Its chilly. I feel slight goosebumps line my arms at the new coldness.

"Well, he apologized. In not an asshole way. It was suprising to say the least" Robin answers with a smile.

It worked perfectly!

"You put him up to it didn't you?" Robin asks, laughing.

"No. Maybe" I answer, side-eyeing him.

We finally arrive at the grocery store, walking through the doors, me and Robin decide to split up. Robin buys snacks. I buy drinks.

I walk to the fridge aisle, looking at all the pop kinds when somone approaches me. I look at their reflection in the glass door, noticing a familiar silhouette. Bruce.

"Hey, Skye" Bruce greets awkwardly.

"Hey, Bruce!" I answer, something in my voice sounds strained. The air feels tight. Why is it so tense?

"Funny seeing you here" He chuckles.

"Yeah, I'm starting to think you're stalking me" I laugh, opening the cooler door and grabbing a case of Pepsi, the tense feeling fading away.

"Wha-I-No!" Bruce stutters in embarrassment, his cheeks turning crimson red.

"I'm kidding, Yamada" I laugh. "I don't mind it"

Something in his face changes at that last bit. His expression looks softer, but confident in a way.

"Really?" He asks. "I knew you loved spending time with me"

"Woah woah woah. Never said that" I laugh, walking along the coolers.

"Why didn't we hang out before this?" Bruce asks.

"Vance" I reply simply. "If we hadn't hit it off in the Grab N Go, we probably wouldn't have been friends"

"Well I'm glad we are" He smiles. God his smile is addictive. The way his eyes crinkle slightly, and have a small shine. This boy has me head over heels.

"Maybe one of these times when Vance is out you can come over to my place" I offer.

"Yeah! That'd be great. Maybe we can hang out at my place too" He suggests.

"Well, I better get going. Bye Bruce!" I say, walking past him.

"Bye, Skye" He says.

I walk to the snack aisle, looking for Robin.

"Robin!" I call down the candy aisle, getting a nod from him. "Ready to check out?"

"Yeah, sure" Robin answers.

We walk over to the cashier and he checks out our foods, we give him our money, grab the bags and walk out the door.

"You seemed to be chatting it up Bruce again, hm?" Robin asks with a slight smirk.

"Whatever. He's nice, Robin!" I tell him.

"You saw him on your bike ride didn't you?" He asks.

"Yeah" I answer sheepishly. "We got milkshakes"

"He bought you a milkshake?" Robin asks, turning to look at me.

"Yeah" I answer, a faint blush appearing on my cheeks.

"Ooo. You are so into him" Robin says. "And don't worry, I won't say anything to Vance"

"Thank you" I say.

Thank god.

"He may or may not have almost kissed me on the front porch"

"Seriously?" Robin asks. God he can get so into things.

"Yep. He stopped himself though" I recall to him.

"And I bet you were so sad" Robin teases. "Oh! Was that why you were thinking so hard back at the house?"

"Obviously, dumbass" I laugh, slapping the side of his head playfully. "I thought Blondie would kill me if I told him"

"He wouldn't kill you, he'd kill Bruce" Robin corrects.

"Good point" I answer.

Robin better keep his mouth shut.

{word count : 810 }

I'm ungrounded 💅💅💅
Double post today for yall hoes 💕

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