09 | Prep Time

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skye hoppers pov 

Me, Robin, Gwen, and Finney were in the Blake's house, sitting in Finney's room as they were questioning me about Bruce. 

"You said you were gonna tell us about what happened with you two!" Gwen urges, sitting close to me. 

"Okay, okay, fine!" I laughed. 

"So it started when me and Robin went to the Grab N Go to check on Vance and buy snacks. Bruce was in the snack aisle too and we started talking and I wrote my number on his arm. Then later that night he called my house and asked if I wanted to go to the arcade. Of course I said yes" I explained. 

"Didn't you already think he was cute?" Robin asks. 

"Mhm" I nod. "Anyways. We went to the arcade and played some games. He sucks at Galaxiga by the way. Then the next day after Vance and Robin were fighting, I went on a bike ride and I saw Bruce and he bought me a milkshake. And on the way home when he dropped me off he almost kissed me. My ass was red as hell but he stopped himself. Then I saw him at the grocery store and we talked some more. Then yesterday, he came to my house when Vance was on a date with Betty Freeman and Vance came home early and Bruce hid in my closet and when he was leaving through my window I kissed his cheek" I say. 

"You kissed his cheek?!" Robin asks. "And you didn't tell me?" 

"Calm down. I just told you. And y'all saw what happened at the game" I finished. 

"That might be why he was so confident today. Because you kissed his cheek" Finney suggests. 

"Yeah" I reply. 

"What were you guys talking about after the game?" Gwen asks. 

"He asked me to go to the drive in with him tonight. I'm leaving at 6" I answer. 

"Y'all are basically dating" Finney says with a smile. "You guys are hanging out all the time" 

"Maybe I'll tell him how I feel tonight. Don't hold me to it though" I laugh. "Enough of my love life. Finney? Tell us about Donna. We all know" 

Finney's cheeks became crimson red when her name was dropped. "It's just a hallway crush" 

"No it's not" Robin says. 

"You were looking at her like Donna I love you  so much! Will you marry me? At the game today" Gwen mocks him. 

"Bruce was looking at Skye the whole game!" Finney defends. 

"Sh sh sh. We are done with my love life for the moment" I laugh. 

"She's so into you" Gwen says to her older brother. 

"Agreed" I reply. 

"You gotta ask her out" Robin suggests. "She'll say yes" 

"You don't know that!" Finney defends. 

"Yes we do" Gwen counters.

"You know what else? Robin is totally into Becca" Finney says, trying to change the subject. 

"And I am not! Becca is lesbian you dumbass" Robin says. 

"Riight" Finney says, turning away from us. "Why don't we help Skye get ready for her date with Bruce?" 

"It's not a date, Blake. Make me sick my brother on you again" I say, stern faced as his face drops. "I'm joking, Fin" 

Robin starts laughing, "You shoulda seen your dumbass face!" 

"It DROPPED" Gwen laughs. 

"What time is it?" I ask. 

"5:30" Robin answers.

"Skye, can I do your makeup?" Gwen asks with an innocent voice. I couldn't say no. 

"Fine" I playfully rolled my eyes. 

Gwen happily jumps up and runs to her room to grab her makeup bag. 

"Oh God" I sigh when she comes back with a backpack FULL of makeup. It was a decent sized backpack, full to the brim of makeup. 

"Don't worry, Skye" Gwen assures me. "We're not using it all" 

"Better not. I will run" I tell her as she begins putting stuff on my face. The brushes feel weird. I'm not used to makeup. The last time I wore makeup was at my cousins wedding... 5 years ago. 


"Okay you're all ready!" Gwen says, holding a small mirror in front of my face. 

I look the same but... different. I should do my makeup more often. 

"Thanks, Gwen!" I say, smiling at the girl. 

"You look nice, Skye" Robin smiles, getting a smile in thanks from me. 

"It's 5:54" Finney says. 

"OOO" Gwen and Robin say in unison. 

"Shush" I laughed. " I should probably get out there" 

Gwen runs up and hugs me, and I hug her back."Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" She says cheerfully into my shoulder before letting go. 

"Bye guys!" I say before walking out the door. 


loving the new dynamic of skye and gwen 

       {word count : 787}

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