07 | Frankenstein

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skye hoppers pov

Nothing eventful happened today. Bruce wasn't at school because of a doctors appointment, Vance and Robin were tired because they stayed up all night watching horror movies re-runs on channel 8. It's now, when Vance walks out of the school with a big smile on his face. Weird. 

"What's got you in such a good mood, Blondie?" I ask with a slight laugh. 

His smile only got bigger. "I asked Betty Freeman on a date tonight" 

"No way. And she said yes?!" I ask, getting a smile on my face as well. 

"Yup! We're going to the drive-in" Vance answers. "I need you to help me get ready" 

"Okay" I answer. "I'm doing something with that mop on your head." 

"No, don't touch the hair!" Vance resists. 

His hair looks like it hasn't been brushed in weeks. Like something that came out of the janitors closet. 

"Yes, Vance. Your hair looks horrid" I answer simply. 

"Fine".  He caves. I win. 

I don't know what to do with him. I should make him wear that nice jean jacket that I got him for Christmas. Should I wash his hair or just comb it?  Wash it. It's shining. But not in a good way. 


We arrive home and I immediately drag Vance to the kitchen sink. 

"I'm getting the shampoo and conditioner, you stay your happy ass right there, Blondie" I command, walking off to the bathroom and grabbing the light blue containers. 

"Okay, Vance. Head in the sink" I say with a small laugh as he reluctantly faces into the sink. 

I start the water, but it comes out cold, making Vance spring up, his hair flinging water on my face. 

"The hell Skye!" Vance laughs, noticing the water on me. 

"Its warm now" I say in a laugh, and he puts his hand under the water to make sure. 

He puts his head back in the sink and I put the shampoo in his hair. Then the conditioner. 

"Okay you can put your head up now" I tell him, wiping my hands dry with a towel. 

He lifts his head up out of the sink, and I start wiping his hair with the towel.  After I feel that its dry enough, I lift the towel only to reveal a puffball of Vance's hair. 

"Oh my god Vance" I laugh at the sight. 

"Shut up Blondie" He says, stern-faced. "I just gotta brush my hair" 

I go and grab the brush and begin to brush Vance's curly hair. I wish I had his hair. 

Once it's all brushed out I grab that jean jacket. "You're wearing this" 

"Okay. I have to pick her up in 10" Vance tells me. 

"Don't blow it Blondie" I tell him. 

"I won't" Vance says, rolling his eyes. "What are you gonna do while I'm gone?" 

"No clue. Might call Robin over" I answer. Wait. Vance is gonna be gone. I can have Bruce over!

"Don't you dare tell him about the hair" Vance says, pointing his finger at me. 

"Oh I'm going to" I say back, and his face drops. "I'm kidding, Blondie. Jesus" 

He's so serious all the time for no reason. 

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