33 | Medicine

210 1 3

{Skye hoppers pov}

"Skye!" My mom calls out as she walks through the door. I walk out of my room and meet her by the entrance. She's holding a small orange bottle full of pills.

"What are those for?" I ask her, eyeing the bottle.

"These are for you. They're pills that will hopefully make you feel better" She smiles sweetly, and hands me the bottle. I begin to read the writing on the small capsule.




Anti-depressants? I don't need these. My brother died, of course I'm sad. But I'm not depressed. I have Bruce. I have my mom. I have Robin. Everything else is fine except for Vance.

"You'll start taking them tomorrow, okay?" My mom asks me as she sits down on our small couch.

"Okay" I reply, giving the bottle one last glance.


I'm so so sorry for leaving yall hanging for ANOTHER month. My life has been so hectic recently and I just haven't had the time. I'm in my last week of school rn, and I'll have much more time this week and the upcoming months. Tha k you for being patient with me and I love you all <3

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