04 | Vance's Fuck-Up

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•skye hoppers pov•

My eyes quickly flutter open at the sound of angry voices coming from the living room.

"Don't fucking touch Finney!" One yells. Robin.

"He was in my way!" The other one defends. Vance.

I open my door a crack and see the two. I open it fully, stepping out in the process.

"What the hell are you guys yelling about?" I yell.

"Your brother punched Finney" Robin snarls. His face is turning red. Theres a slight glimmer in his eyes, thats when you know hes pissed.

"He ran into me! You know how I get when I'm angry" Vance yells.

"That dosen't mean you hit Finney!" I yell. I'm siding with Robin. Vance needs to keep his hands at his side. As much as I hate going against my brother.

"You're defending him?! Do you know what he did to me?" Vance screams at me.

"Lower your fucking voice, Vance!" I yell. "And no! I don't know what happened! You always blow me off when I mention it!"

"You can't expect us to reason with you if we don't even know whats happening!" Robin yells to him.

"NO!" Vance yells, starting to pull at strands of his hair. Shit.

"Robin. I'll handle him. Go help Finney" I tell him, and he gives me a nod before heading out the door.

"Vance" I say.

He's pacing back and forth, still gripping onto his blonde curls.

"Vance stop" I repeat, gently grabbing his arms.

"He was the reason I got arrested" Vance admits.


"What do you mean? Was he at the Grab N Go when it happened?" I ask.

"Yes, Skye! He held the fucking door for them" Vance says angrily.

"You beat someone up! He dosen't know you! He probably thought you were a bad person!" I yell. How was Finney supposed to know why Vance beat the kid up!

"He should've just minded his own fucking business!" Vance replys.

"OKAY FINE" I yell. I'm tired of his shit. "Can you at least tell me why today of all days you punch him?" I ask, trying to calm him down.

"He was at the Grab N Go. Where it happened. I couldn't believe the little shit had the balls to come back!" Vance defends, still yelling.

I feel horrible for yelling at my brother but he can't go around punching people!

"Calm down Vance" I tell him.

"No!" He yells.

"Vance" I sternly say. "Sit your ass down, and calm yourself"

He sits on the couch, trying to slow his breathing. I sit beside him. He lays his head on my shoulder, "I'm sorry, Skye"

"It's okay Vance" I tell him.

"I just wanna know why Robin cared so much" Vance says softly. "He came in and started screaming"

"Robin and Finney are friends. He protects Finney from bullies like you" I explain.

"I'm not a bully!" Vance defends again.

"Vance. You just punched someone in the face for something that happened a year ago" I tell him. "Robin is upset"

"I know. I fucked up" Vance admits.

"You need to apologize" I tell him.

Clichè. I know. But Robin will accept it and they can stop fighting. I hate when they fight. And I hate that I'm in the middle of it. But this time, I will drag Vance's ass down to Robin's if I have to.

"I don't apologize to people" Vance says with a monotone voice.

"This time you are. I'm not dealing with you two being in a fight" I demand.

"First, Can you clean my fist?" Vance asks, revealing the blooding knuckles.

The blood had somewhat dried since the punch, blood wasn't flowing, which was good, but it needed to be covered until it scabbed over.

"Ugh fine" I say. I caved. As long as they stop being petty, I'm fine.

I run some warm water over his hands, gently rubbing the blood off. It takes about 2 minutes, it was more dry than I thought.

I grab a cloth. "Dry off your hands" I say, handing him the dark blue material.

I walk to the cupboard, searching for bandages. Ibuprofen, Cough Medication, then finally the bandages and Peroxide.

Walking over to him, I say "This is gonna hurt, Blondie"

"Yeah, yeah I know" He says, placing his hand over the sink. He lets out a few quiet curses as I poor some Peroxide on the open wound before wrapping white bandaging over his knuckles.

"There" I say. "Now you are gonna apologize to Robin. If you come back, and you're still fighting, I'm sticking gum in your hair again"

I notice Vance slightly cringe at the memory. Back when I was in 5th grade, and he was in 6th, he broke my bike. He completly demolished the front by running into the side of the garage. So I stuck gum in his hair, and he had to get a buzz cut.

His hair wasn't nearly as long as it is now. It was pure blonde curls to his mid-neck area.

"I'll kill you" He threatens.

"You can't kill me. Mom will kill you" I laugh. "Now get your ass over to Robin's. Or you're gonna look like you just came back from boot camp"

He opens the front door. "This better go well, Skye" He says before stepping out of the door.

Vance better fix his fuck-up.


Lots of Bruce in the next chapter muahaha. Sorry for not updating! I've been very busy with sports. I'll be getting back on schedule now!

  { word count : 910 }


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