23 | Should've Stayed Home

309 3 13

{Skye Hopper's Pov} 

My legs were pedaling as fast as they could as I looked back and forth on either side of the road. Any kind of sign of Vance and Bruce. They found black balloons where Bruce was kidnapped. Maybe the Grabber has some? 

I look at a fence and see missing posters. One of Bruce and one of Vance. The posters contain their most recent school photo, their first and last name, and the date of their disappearance. I hope that they're together somewhere. That way they're not alone. 

A dark black van pulls up beside me and he rolls down the window. "You know them?" 

"Yeah" I nod, not realizing the suspicion scenario. 

"Who are they to you?" The man asks. I turn around and see a tall man with a face full of makeup that makes him look as pale as a ghost. 

"My brother and boyfr- friend.Brother and friend " I answer. I don't want to say boyfriend. 

The man smiles before asking " Would you like to see a cool trick? It might raise your spirits" 

"Sure. Are you a magician?" I ask, suddenly intrigued by the man's offer. 

He opens the back of his van and black balloons fly out. Black balloons. Shit. I begin running but the man grabs my wrist and puts a bad smelling rag over my mouth. 

I kick and scream, but after a minute my eyes close. I guess he doesn't only take boys. 

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