03 | World's Worst Galaxiga Player

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I couldn't run out of the science room quicker when the bell rung. I look down at the watch on my wrist. 3:14. Normally, I wouldn't wear a watch. Today is different. I don't wanna be late!

I walk up to the doors to see Bruce standing there, trying to look busy.

"Hey, Yamada" I yell, walking up the small flight of stairs.

"Hey, Skye!" He calls back. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah. I have a shit ton of homework but its worth it" I say with a laugh.

"Well, we can hang out some other time then-" Bruce begings saying before I interrupt him.

"No. I would much rather go to the arcade instead of homework" I say, looking at the boy. He was already looking at me. I swear that feeling in my stomach comes back. Butterflies. Like my belly is being churned in the best way possible.

I don't like him. I barely know him! Plus, Vance wouldn't be fun to deal with. Yeah, hes cute. I'll give him that. But I don't know him. I can't get attached. Thats what happened with Paperboy. Me and him were so close. And then he got kidnapped. In the blink of an eye, he was gone. That's not gonna happen with Bruce.

"So, how have you been since the last time we talked?" Bruce asks, breaking the eye contact as we walk forward.

"Nothings changed. Vance is still Vance and Robin is still his little sidekick. And I am their supervisor, making sure they don't kill anyone" I answer with a slight shrug. "You?"

"My little sister tried putting lipstick on me last night. It was horrible" He laughs.

I can't help but laugh at the mental image of little Amy trying to put lipstick on Bruce, him squirming away as she climbs atop of smearing it on his face.

"She got it all over my face. I looked like I had just been murdered" He laughed again.

"How long did it take to get off?" I ask.

"An hour. I don't even think I got all of it. I kept finding little smudges during class" Bruce says.

"Let me check" I suggest, turning to face the boy.

I gently bring my hand to his bangs, moving them out of the way, noticing a small red mark just by his ear.

"Missed some" I laugh, beginning to use my sleeve and rub it off.

"What'd I tell you? All over" He says with emphasis.

"Also, I talked to Vance about you last night" I tell him. His face goes pale, and I can see his shoulders tense up through his shirt.

"What?" He asks. He thinks Vance is gonna beat him up.

"Hey, hey. Calm down" I assure him. "I only asked about you, I didn't say anything about the Grab N Go. Point is... he said he didn't mind you"

"Really?" He asks, cracking a smile of relief.

"Yep" I smile back.

"Whoo" He sighs. "I thought I was gonna get the shit kicked outta me"

I give him a small chuckle. "He finds out we're hanging out right now and he might"

His shoulders tense up.

"Jesus, you sure are scared of him" I say.

"Hes Vance Hopper. Of course I'm scared. He sent a kid to the hospital last year" Bruce recalls.

"Right" I drag out. "He had it coming though, Vance said he was tryna make some moves on a girl who clearly wasn't interested, but he just kept pushing"

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