16 | Spill Your Guts

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{ skye hoppers pov }

After kissing Bruce in the bathrooms, I ran home. I walk through the front door and see Vance.

"Vance why the hell did you beat Bruce up?" I ask angrily.

"He ran into me" Vance shrugs.

"Stay away from him" I order.

"Why he your boyfriend or something?" Vance asks sarcastically.

"Maybe he is! Maybe I've been hanging out with him for weeks now! And maybe I kissed him today after cleaning up the cuts you gave him!" I yell.

"You kissed him?!" Vance asks angrily.

"Yeah, I did" I reply.

"You couldn't even tell me" Vance says as his eyes dart to the floor.

"No, I'm sorry Vance. I thought you would hurt him, turns out you didn't even have to know" I reply, my voice softening.

"Fucker deserved it" Vance spits.

"Do I do this to Betty?" I ask. "Bruce is nice! You just have to know him"

"I don't give a fuck, Skye! And fuck you for choosing him over me!" Vance yells.

"Fuck you!" I yell back as I walk into my room and slam the door.

That dumbass! He's so bias. I fully support him and Betty! Why can't he do the same for me and Bruce?

Tears start to stream, I can't even control it. It's too much. Vance has been getting so mad recently. I'll talk to him. Just not right now.

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