𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑿𝑰𝑰

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Because of the dream like atmosphere, Adriana completely forgot it was a Wednesday morning and she had class in fifteen minutes. After hurriedly finishing her plate, she stood up and almost instantly fell before getting saved by Nicolas from bashing her face into the floor.

"Whoa! Thank you, Nicky."

"You are so indebted to me, darling."

He said while helping her up. Adriana couldn't feel her legs at all.

"I told you to be gentle, but noooooo, horny has to power over you. What do I do about class now?"

"I called in sick for you. The headmaster didn't question it as you diligently attended your classes all the time before."

Isaac said and continued to drink his coffee. He seemed like the kind to drink sweet lattes. But in his hands was just a cup of straight up black coffee with no milk or sugar.

All of them are wizards...

Adriana sighted and asked Nicolas to help her sit back down. After he did, she kissed his cheek as a thanks. Her eyes met Elias and Isaac who were both looking at her with... jealousy.

"You two also want a kiss on the cheek?" Without a word they leaned in, making Adriana chuckle and kiss them both. "There now, happy?"

"Yes." Elias didn't think before answering and Isaac just happily nodded.

Adriana didn't know what to do for the rest of the day, so she just scrolled on her phone while chilling on the couch with her blanket, Nicolas and Elias. Too bad for Isaac, he had class.

"Can't I also call in sick and say it's a virus?"


Elias was as strict with him as always. He seemed to only have a soft spot for Adriana.

The three of them were cuddling while watching TV. As Aria mindlessly scrolled on her phone, a headline caught her eye.

'Nicolas Clark and his band "Dolce Dolore" in town this weekend, get your tickets!' Nicky is in a band? Cool!

She smirked, hatching up a plan.

"Hey Nickyyyyy!"

The guy groaned, knowing that this voice and tone means she wants something. And it's almost never good.

"...What is it?" He hesitated before asking, thinking if he should just pretend to be asleep.

"You're having a concert this weekend, riiiight?"

"Yeah, what about it? Wanna go?" She smiled at his offer which the guy probably said as a joke, not thinking she will actually agree.

"Well if you insist, I guess I'll go cheer you on!"

She slyly said and ruffled his surprisingly soft hair as his head was placed of her stomach, with Nicolas arms around her waist. The guy looked up at her with suprisement. Up until now, no one he knew or held close has come to his show. Elias was always busy and Isaac brushed it off. Such great friends he has. But now he had Adriana, who agreed.

"What? It's a girlfriends duty to cheer on her boyfriend! Don't think I'll chicken out that easily!"

He hid his face in her stomach, hiding his childish smile full of pure happiness with the act. He may have an attitude and a few anger problems, but Nicolas was a touchy feely kind of guy. These little things she said to encourage him or little things she did like give him her touch, he kept each engraved in his heart as the happiest moments he had.

"Well then, keep your weekend free darling. I will finally show you what real fun is like..."

As Adrianas back got better, the weekend approached. She got ready for the concert to which she didn't manage to get a ticket to, as all of them were already gone, but thanks to her connections, she got it for free.

He outfit of the choice was a pair of black shorts with fish tights underneath, a black cropped and ripped graphic t-shirt that exposed her belly and a little bit of the black laced bralette she had underneath. And of course a lot of chains and accessories, you gotta bring the bling after all. She decided to do her make up for the special occasion, just a little bit of eyeshadow, mascara and lip gloss.

She headed out her room and down the stairs, where Nicolas was waiting. He had his classic leather jacket, black shirt and black jeans on. He looked at Adriana and smiled, the guy placed his hands on her waist and went for a kiss before getting stopped.

"I have lip gloss on, it's still a little wet."

Without the permission for a kiss on the lips, he placed a few on her neck before whispering in her ear.

"You look so fucking hot I don't want to go to the concert anymore..."

Nicolas said, giving Arias ass a light squeeze before taking her hand in his and heading out the door. Outside stood a glossy black Yamaha YZF-R1 motorbike. It was a true beauty.

"Whoa, this is our ride?"

Once again Adriana was struck by the realization just how rich her boyfriends were, and that they liked the colour black a lot. Nicolas handed her a black helmet that matched with his. They hopped onto the motorbike.

"Hold tight, darling, I like speedy rides."

He said and turned on the engine. It roared like a real beast. Adriana made sure to hold on tightly to Nicolas waist as the two of them got on the road. The chilly breeze from the air quickly hitting her skin made Adriana shiver and hold on to Nicolas tighter in hopes to warm up. The radio was blaring music loudly, making sure that everyone around woke up. A motorbike ride with Nicolas was truly something else, they seemed to be flying among other cars. After what Adriana saw as almost dying a few times they, reached the concert place.

It was completely swarmed with fans, but due to the helmets, no one seemed to notice the main star of the event rolling in like thunder. The couple drove into a garage that was meant for performers and stage crew. Adriana got off and took off her helmet, her ears still ringing a little from the loud engine. The girls legs fell asleep too, so it was like walking on needles. Nicolas walked up next to her, wrapping one of his arms around Adrianas waist and the two headed into the building.

The backstage area was quite big, it had a few rooms, a kitchen, toilets, and a ton of space for equipment. Looked like Nicolas and his band were a pretty big deal. As they were walking, three people stood in front, they seemed to be the rest of the band.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐞 𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 • EDITEDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant