

A light knock echoed through the room while Yunho was sitting at his desk, eyes already tearing up while studying algebra. He whished over his cheeks and turned around in his office chair, looking at Wooyoung waddling into the room like a shy penguin.

He looked freshly showered; hair still damp and packed in his thickest pyjamas and socks. It was an unwritten rule by their Papa; keep warm after showering, even if you probably overheat while sleeping and feel like suffocating.

"What's wrong, Wooyoung?" the elder asked and closed his math book.

The younger shrugged his shoulders and closed the door. He climbed on Yunho's bed and puckered his lips. "Do you think Dad will be mad if i start dancing too?" he asked shyly.

"You want to dance at Dad's company? Why would he be mad?"

"I don't want to dance dance at Dad's company... just somewhere for fun like you..." Wooyoung replied and shrugged his shoulders. "You and him fought a lot when you got into the company... i don't want him to be mad at me..."

A small laugh rolled over Yunho's lips, "He wasn't mad at me for starting at his company. He was mad I wouldn't listen to him when he told me not to stay over and sleep on that shitty couch-" he explained and scratched the back of his head. "Apparently I will feel that in my back when I'm his age," he laughed.

A smile spread on Wooyoung's face, one as bright as the sun and as warm as summer. Yunho could swear his room got lighter when Wooyoung stood up to hug him in his joy. "Then I'm going to be just like you!" he giggled as he hugged his older brother's stomach.

Yunho returned the hug which a warm heart and ruffled through his brother's damp hair. "I'm sure you will. You will be even better," he ensured and sent him off as a now happy waddling penguin.


"Don't you think it's... usually quiet?" Hongjoong commented as he came into the living room with a tray; fresh tea and biscuits sitting atop.

Seonghwa hummed as he looked up from the script he was studying. The reading glasses sat low on his elegant nose, his longer hair falling over the frame like a black silk curtain. Hongjoong felt like falling in love once again, looking at his husband working. He stroked the hair out of his face and placed a caring kiss on the elder's forehead, smiling.

"What was that for?" Seonghwa looked at the tray and his already suspiciously early home husband with a puzzled gaze.

"Can't I be nice without you questioning me this? You make me look like a bad husband!" Hongjoong gave back offended and sat down next to the elder. "I wanted to have a nice cup of tea with you, I thought it's a nice evening."

"Mhm you're right... something is clearly wrong today-" Seonghwa said in a serious voice, then broke out in a giggle. "I appreciate your everything, Joongie," he hummed as he served to cups of tea.

"You can't just say 'Oh thank you', can you?"

"When have I given you a break?"

Hongjoong put his lips in a line and accepted his destiny; break-less.

"You're so lucky I love you."

"Oh I know I am, I'm the luckiest man walking earth," Seonghwa replied and gifted his husband a quick kiss, "I've never felt unlucky despite everything, Hongjoong. I'm lucky you love me and we have had the chance to live this life."

At the soft-spoken words Hongjoong felt his knees melt and heart warm his chest. Laying his hand on the spot between Seonghwa's shoulder and neck, holding his face close to his. "I fall for you every day anew, love."


"Okay who's telling them we accidentally broke a hole into the wall?"


heyYYaaaa hahaha

y'all i tell you you can't get rid of me

I'm here

I'm ghosting around here

and always will

don't you think it's suspicious that how i spent more time on here when I'm single? like I'm just out of a very traumatic relationship again and the first thing i do is coming back here hahahah

let's get back to unhealthy coping mechanisms lol

how have y'all been??

what have I missed???

i also kind of fell out of kpop, can someone give me an overall sum up what happened this whole year like i was off everything kind of

fuck relationships istg in the end you're fucked anyway haha

like I'd rather be sad because my life is depressing than be sad because someone left my ass

stay healthy and save
don't be my dumbass, be a smarter ass


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