Chapter 85: There's Something In The Water

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In the wee hours of the morning Pietro waved goodnight to Alex and Sam, the last two surviving party goers, before getting back into the water after cleaning up the last of the drinks. He swam over to Annie where she was floating on her back.

"For someone who doesn't swim very often it's like pulling a kid out of a candy store to get you out of the pool when you do."

Annie lifted her head from the water as Pietro spoke and stood as he came closer. "I like being in water. It's peaceful."

"Watching Thor and Волчица wrestle for hours was peaceful?"

"It's usually peaceful." Annie laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Thank you. Alex told me you planned everything for tonight and it was perfect."

"I'm glad you think so. I worked very hard to try and make it as perfect as you." They bobbed in the water in silence for a few beats just staring at each other and Pietro could see a blush on her cheeks. "Солнышко, I-"

He was cut off as her lips crashed into his.

Annie let Pietro pull her legs up and wrap them around him as she continued her assault on his mouth. When Alex had told her earlier that Pietro had wanted to be more than friends she couldn't believe it but she watched his interactions with everyone more closely over the course of the night and she could see it. Then she spent the second half of the night thinking he deserved so much more than her. He was bright and joyous and happy and should be with someone like that. Especially because he was her best friend and she wanted the very best for him. As the hours went by though and the drinks broke down the walls of her self doubt she thought back to that night after the rave. Whenever you walk in I am excited to see you. You make me laugh. I think your presence lights up whatever room you are in. To him she was all the things she thought he deserved and to her he was the comfort and ease she needed. He knew all her baggage, her dark and stormy bits, her trauma and her drama. So if he wanted to be with her despite all that she was going for it.

Annie felt her back hit the side of the pool and Pietro pressed into her as his hands came up to thread through her wet strands. Then she heard a rumble and pulled back. "When's the last time you ate?"

"I don't care." He said and tried to resume their make out session but another loud growl rolled through his stomach.

Annie lowered her legs and put her hand on his chest to push him back. "Come on, weirdo, it's late. I'll make you something before we head to bed."

Pietro laid his head on her shoulder and groaned. "I am not ready to go to my room yet."

"Who said anything about your room?" Annie whispered in his ear.

Bucky couldn't sleep. Typical. When Nat had brought him food earlier he realized he should have bailed and found somewhere else to be for the night but he had been hoping at some point would have been asked to join the others. Annie hadn't spoken to him since her dad's funeral but he still wanted to apologize, wanted to at least make it so they could be on good terms. Wanted to be her friend even if it hurt. He heard Sam and Alex come down the hall and go into Sam's old room so he decided to take his dirty dishes to the kitchen. When he returned to his room he paced around, running a hand over his face, thinking about how he had gotten to this point. He felt alone. Sure he had Nat and Steve but the small bit of joy he'd had before Wakanda was gone. He walked to the window and looked out. Bucky bit his lip to hold back the irritation rising in his chest at the sight of Annie with her arms around Maximoff. When she kissed him, Bucky knocked over one of the small boxes he'd never unpacked from the small bookshelf he had under his window. Books and a black leather file folder went spilling across the floor.

Annie had made Pietro a grilled cheese when they got upstairs and he kissed her with his mouth full between bites as they walked down the hall. When they reached her door she told him she was going to shower the chlorine water off before bed and suggested he do the same and grab some dry clothes. When she stepped out of her bathroom, steam curling around her from the scalding water she smiled at the sight of Pietro fast asleep. She hung up the towel she had been using to dry off her hair and crawled into bed beside him and fell quickly into a restful night's sleep. 

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