Chapter 10: Take A Break

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Annie woke up to a flashlight shining in her eyes and she groaned. "Hey there sleeping beauty, how you feeling?" She heard Nat say.

"Like I got hit by a pick-up." Annie croaked.

"At least it wasn't a Semi." Nat joked stepping up beside Banner at Annie's infirmary bed.

Annie started to laugh but felt pain shoot through her chest. "Ow, Nat, as much as I appreciate it, please don't make me laugh."

"Sorry." Nat said, smiling softly as she placed her hand on Annie's arm. "So you want to tell us what happened?" She asked gently.

As Annie tried to sit up, Dr. Banner pressed her back down lightly. "I wouldn't do that just yet. I gave you some pain meds but they still need a little time to kick in. You have a broken nose, a few cracked ribs, a dislocated shoulder and a concussion. You are going to have to take it easy for a few weeks." Annie nodded and Dr. Banner, satisfied that she would stay put, left to get supplies and go examine Barnes in the kitchen.

"So?" Nat asked again.

"We were watching a movie and fell asleep. I woke up and there was some crazy gun fight on the tv. Bucky was checked out just staring at the screen. I thought maybe he was sleep walking but..." Annie trailed off, not really sure what else to say.

Nat nodded and moved to sit in the chair by the bed. "The sound of the gunshots may have triggered a PTSD flashback of some sort. Banner is going to check on him now so we should know a little more once he finishes up."

"How long was I out?"

Nat looked at the clock on the wall. "About twenty minutes, Stark should be here soon."

"You called Tony?!" Annie asked, a mild panic in her voice.

Nat looked at her confused. "Yes, why wouldn't we?"

Annie covered her eyes careful to avoid bumping her injured nose and groaned again. "Because Tony is going to call my dad!"

"As a matter of fact, Red, I already called him." Tony said as he swaggered into the room. "Because I'm not an idiot and I know if I hadn't called him, the moment he found out you were hurt he would hobble himself up here and murder me."

"Tony, he's sixty years old and has a bad hip. You are a literal superhero, I don't think he could actually kill you. Also he isn't listed as my emergency contact, Alex is, isn't that some kind of HIPPA violation?" She argued.

"Might be, take it up with HR. Oh wait, that's me." He said, pointing to himself as he came to stand by her bed.

Annie sighed heavily. "Tony, I'm thirty-two. My dad does not need to be notified if I get a paper cut."

"Paper cut? Red, you have never had a broken bone in your life and now you have three, along with other various, SERIOUS injuries. I think he deserves to know when something critical happens. Besides, I had to call him to let him know when to expect you." He replied leaning over the bed rail.

"Expect me?" She said, confused.

"Yes, once Banner gets back from checking on the cyborg and gives you the all clear Happy is taking you home to rest." She tried to interrupt but he put a finger up, halting her. "Do not argue with me Annie, I know you and if you stay here you will try and keep working and you need to heal. It's not permanent, just a few weeks. Plus you have taken exactly twelve hours off since you got here. You're due for a vacation."

If looks could kill Tony might be dead on the floor. Annie had no desire to go home but she could tell this wasn't a fight she would win. "Fine, but did you call Alex?" She asked.

"What reason would I have to call Alex?"

"Because she IS my emergency contact and she's living in my house so it would be polite to let her know I'm coming."

"Yeah, not gonna happen. You're staying with your parents."

"No, no way, no how, no sir! Where is my phone?" She said starting to sit up and look around.

Tony scoffed. "You think your father is going to let you stay at your place firstly, alone in your condition and secondly, when he hasn't seen you in seven months? Fat chance!"

Annie started to reply but Dr. Banner came in. "Alright Annie, pain meds should be set in by now, let's get this sling on you."

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