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I felt the golden hue of the sun rays through my eyelids. Something smooth leisurely ran up and down my back, as my head lightly motioned up and down on a warm surface.

I stretched my body, sinking my face deeper into the warm object. The reminiscence of yesterday's events flashed in my mind as I opened my eyes. I quickly sat up, which turned out to be a poor idea, as my head spun.


A deep voice said as my sight focused on the, and of my dreams, both figuratively and literally. Yesterday's event felt like a dream, but his presence and close proximity reassured me that everything was real.

"I thought it was a dream."

I confessed as he smiled.

"It does feel too good to be real, but I can assure you everything did happen. Maybe a little reminder will help."

He said before leaning down and capturing my lips in his. I sunk into the kiss and his warmth. I pulled away and traced placed my small palm on the side of his face.

"Your eyes are so blue, like the depths of the ocean."

I whispered as the words echoed out without my consent. He was kissing the inside of my palm but froze at my words. He gave a shaky smile, before cupping both my small hands into his large opens and giving them a kiss.

His eyes, filled with so many emotions looked into my own.

"And yours are droplets of rare diamonds."

I wanted to ask him if I somehow offended him, but thought against it as he quickly moved on.

"Shall we have some tea?"

I said wistfully standing up. He nodded his head and stood his large frame; no large half-naked frame towering over my own. My fingers mindlessly traced over his recent scars.

"I guess I should thank my attackers before killing them."

He stated as if he was talking about the weather. My mouth was agape with my eyes opened as I gave him an incredulous look.

He questioned, shutting my mouth with his hand that was under my chin.

"Did you hear yourself? You said you will thank your attackers after killing them."

"They deserve it."

"The death or the thank you?"

I stated sarcastically. I've moved on from the fact that homicide was common in this time from one another, diseases, and animals. It still shakes me up, but not as much as a few years back.

"Both. I must kill them as they pose a threat and tried to kill me. An eye for an eye, except I'll make sure I get that eye. And I should thank them, as if it wasn't for them, you wouldn't have saved my life and we wouldn't have met."

"That's sweet?"

It was supposed to come out as a statement but ended in a question. In a twisted way, it was, as he viewed it as how we met, but the murdering for revenge part was questionable.

"It is sweet. Now let's go drink some tea."

He stated confidently before swinging his arm over my shoulder, gluing my body to his. He stopped to put on his shirt and I couldn't help the disappointed sigh that escaped my lips. He gave a knowing smile before kissing my temple as we walked out.

He started the fire, as I went to the stream to fetch some water. It was moments like these that I yearned for modern technology. Fetching water for a cup of tea right after I woke up was something that took way too long for me to be accustomed to.

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