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I was still very much awake when I heard a noise outside my home. My eyes snapped open and I got the sword, prepared in case it was an intruder. That's when I realized that a two hundred man made of pure muscle was laid on my legs, making it nearly impossible to stand up.

The footstep noise got louder and I opted for the bow and arrow, pointing it at the door, just as it opened. Cal poked his head in and gave a comic look towards me. Unaware of the noise surrounding him, Adri was still knocked out from the medication and injuries.

The sun has just risen, giving the cottage a pinkish hue. Opening the door wider, Callahan entered as I looked out to see a wagon. I placed the arrow down and gave a pleading look.

"He was up for most of the night, so I don't want to wake him up again. Also, I doubt he'll have the strength to walk all the way to the wagon without support."

Cal stood there still and I realized he was completely clueless about the meanings of my words.

"Help me get your friend's large head off my feet. Please."

I said and he quickly nodded his head before coming to my aid. Cal supported his friend, who was standing still but wasn't entirely awake. I realized my mistake as I got up from my sitting position quickly and all the blood had rushed down.

In order not to crash to the floor, I slumped back down on the mattress. Cal was laughing at my state, as I sent a scowl his way.

"Go ahead, I'll be up before Adri lies on the wagon."

I see both men walk slowly and rub my hands along my leg. After a minute or so, I was up again and gathered a jug of water and blanket.

Adrianus laid on his back on the wooden wagon as Callahan saddled in the front. Two horses were on either side, one completely brown and the other, brown with white spots.

"Here is a jug of water in case you'll need it and alcohol if he wakes up and experiences too much pain. I'll lay this blanket to cover his wounds and then you'll be ready for your departure."

"Go on ahead. I'll just prepare the saddle and make sure everything is set."

He said, busy with fixing one of the screws. I walked back and jumped into the wagon. Crawling from the small empty space from the side, I approached Adrianus. I unfolded the blanket and played it beside him.

Giving his wounds a once-over and ensuring that they were clean, I proceeded the cover him with the white cloth. I met him for a day, most of which he was unconscious, yet I felt a sense of separation and sadness.

For the first time in years, I laughed in pure joy and felt content talking to him. We didn't know each other, yet looking into his deep blue eyes, it felt like he was an old companion. Maybe it was that I knew once he regained his senses and healed completely, I would mean nothing to him.

I was one of his subjects that healed him after his injuries, a distant memory that will be long forgotten. And I knew deep within me that he will always be a haunting memory; a good one I'll cherish and miss dearly. His carefree smile, his orbs of blue, and him calling me Enkeli.

My fingers traced a small scar on his forehead as his eyes opened briefly. A lazy smile spread across his face, as I smiled back.

"Where am I?"

"You'll be returning back to your castle."

"Are you coming?"

His voice said with a hint of excitement. I despised how it made my heart race because I knew he'll soon forget me, maybe even tomorrow when he is completely sober. I'll be a distant memory at best and that thought didn't sit right with me. I shook my head side to side at his question, as his smile faltered.

"Goodbye, my Shouwang."

"See you soon, my Enkeli."

He smiled, emphasizing the word my.

"Enkeli hmm?"

A third voice came, as my head snapped back to the Cal smirking. A blush took over my face, as I hurried off the wagon. Just as I was about to jump off, Adri tugged the sleeve of my dress and kissed my wrist.

He gave a lazy smile before his eyes slowly drifted to Cal. He shifted his body lightly and winced, loosening his grip on my dress. I seized the opportunity and jumped out onto the muddy terrain.

"Cal! My good friend. What are you doing here?"
"Adri! My good friend, who rose from the dead."

He said with the same enthusiasm, except Cal was sober and sarcastic to Adri's drunken tone.

"Someone has to bring you back to the castle."

"So soon."

Adrianus sighed and slumped his head back down on the wagon floor.

"It was so quiet and the forest smell was enriching, compared to the bustling halls of the castle."

"We'll visit soon."

"Oh I know I'll visit soon. Be prepared to see me Enkeli."

Adri stated as Cal saddled on the front of the wagon. He got the reins of the horse as I walked towards him.

"Make sure his wounds are cleaned and the stitches are removed, as soon as the cuts heal. Try not to make him consume any more alcohol, as he got more than enough to last a month in one night."

"As you command, Enkeli."

Cal comically bowed down, emphasizing my nickname.

"It was good to meet you too, Cali."

I teased back with my own nickname for him. A knowing smirk took over my face, as he rolled his eyes. His presence reminded me so much of my own brother and I couldn't help as my throat clogged up at that memory.

"Farewell, then."

"Farewell and thank you. Oh I almost forgot, this is for you."

Cal stated as he handed me a pouch that made jingling noises. I opened it, as it was thrust into my hands and froze when I saw at least thirty gold coins, the same amount I make in a year.

I felt offended and angered by this gift and handed it back to him, the smile dropping off my face.

"Why are you giving me these coins?"

"You saved the King's life."

"I would have saved his life if he was a mere beggar. I didn't save his life because he was a King."

I took a breath to calm my emotions and looked back at Callahan.

"I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but I don't want these coins. I saved his life because he was a person, not a King and do not devalue that by gifting me."

He gave it a thought before nodding his head in agreement.

"If you ever need help do not hesitate to come to the kingdom and castle. We'll all be in your gratitude and be happy to come to your aid."

I give a firm nod of my head before smiling gently to ease the tense mood.

I watch as the wagon departured and got smaller and smaller until it disappeared among the green trees and horizon.

Sorry for not updating in a while. Hope you enjoy this new chapter :)

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