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I stared into his midnight blue eyes that hovered over my own. When he said those words, I felt joy like no other, but then fear cascaded a dark shadow over it.

After several years, for the first time, I felt this immense connection with someone as they felt with me. I wasn't supposed to be in this time, my existence in this place and time was unnatural and wrong, so how I feel an emotion so right deep in my soul.

"We can't fall in love."

The pad of his thumb, which drew circles on my hipbone now escalated to touch my cheek. I closed my eyes, afraid I'll cry, or worse confess my feelings to him knowing very well it will ned in a disaster.

"Why can't we?"


I couldn't speak properly with his close proximity. my eyes fluttered down to his lips and all I wanted to do was tell him I was falling in love with him. He didn't know that one day I'll be obliged to return to where I came from, but I did and I cannot hurt him like this.

I shoved his shoulders lightly as he backed down and sat beside me. Gravity seemed to be against my side as a tear slid down my face the moment I sat up.

I wiped it angrily before he can touch me and I'll be affected by this emotion again.

"Your a King and I'm a peasant, a one of lower status that lives isolated at that. I'm not from this land, -"

"I do not care about any of that. You are an independent, intelligent, beautiful, and talented woman that any man would be fortunate to have as his wife. I want you and I can see that you want me, so don't fight it with these petty excuses."

"You're wi- wife."

He let out a dry chuckle before looking at me with a teasing smirk. It morphed into a soft genuine smile as he began talking.  

"We don't have to get married any time soon, but I want you to know that being with you is not some fling for me, nor do I degrade you to such level. I want you to know that I'll cherish you and see you as my equal."

More tears streamed down my cheeks at his words, as he came closer. I embraced him, as his large arms wrapped around me. He pulls away and looks at me. With the pad of his thumbs, he wipes away the remains of my tears. 

"I'll have to leave Nordfjord and return home one day."

"You wanted to return home, as you had nobody here in Nordfjord for you. Now I'm here and I will be until my dying breath. If you still want to leave one day, I'll join you."

"You'll leave your kingdom and family for me?"

I asked in a mere whisper. He sent a small smile and nodded his head. I know I'll never ask him to do that; to choose between his family and myself.

"You know I'll never ask you to that, right?"

"I know, as sure as that you won't leave Nordfjord as long as I keep you happy."

He stated, as our bodies came closer together. Our noses were nearly touching one another, as our breaths synchronized. My palm lay flat over his beating heart, as he held my waist. 

For the first time, I didn't care about the future and my mission to leave. I wanted him, as he wanted me in all the ways that can make us fulfilled and content.

Our lips moulded into one in a gentle kiss. For several minutes, it was just that; a gentle kiss.

My hands found the ends of his hair, as I tugged on it lightly. He hoisted my body up as if I were a feather and placed me on his lap. Our tongues danced and battled each other and he won, yet it felt like a victory for me.

His lips cascaded from my lips, to my cheeks, and to my neck. He wrapped the ends of my hair in his hands and tilted my head up, to kiss and nibble on my neck. A noise escaped my lips, as he bucked his hip up to meet my own.

I felt his hardness and brought his lips back to my own. Our kisses were more feverish and after a few moments, we pulled away. I knew we wouldn't pass more than this stage tonight and he seemed to understand that.

"I vow to you that I'll only take your virtue after I claim you as mine through marriage."

His words meant a great deal to me, as in this time a woman's virtue spoke volumes of her character, especially among society. Furthermore, he knew we would wait at least for a few months before we get married.

I smiled at his words and gave a short kiss to his addictive lips, letting him know that I understood the meaning behind his message.

We were both on the floor, as my bed can barely withstand his weight, let alone both of us combined. Adri seemed to think otherwise as he stood up from the floor while lifting me up at the same time.

He walked towards the bed and sat on its edge, placing me on his lap. He gave a gentle kiss before bringing my body on top of his as he lied down. I swiftly scrambled up and he held a frantic look as well.

"What are you doing?"

I questioned.

"I'm about to sleep."

He said as a matter of fact. I rolled my eyes and sent him a look.

"You do know we can't sleep on the bed."

"I-uh I thought we'll be sleeping together, on a bed."

He added at the end. I never thought I'll see Adrianus flustered, but he was and I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips.

"We can sleep together, but not on this bed. It was barely withstanding your weight the last time you laid on it, and I doubt it won't break under both of our weight combined."

"Oh, that's the problem. No worries, you're as light as a feather, I'm sure it's nothing."

"I'm light as a feather to you, as you are so massive. To the bed, I'm sure something."

I huffed out. He chuckled and his thumb traced circles around my hip bone. It was something intimate, yet not intruding. I liked it, as it reassured me that he was here, with me.

"Is your bed really that weak. You can-"

A large creak escaped from the bed below us, as Adrianus quickly;y rose to his feel. I was still in his arms, as he quoted, I'm 'light as a feather'.

I couldn't help the smug look on my face.

"I told you so."
I remarked back, to which he shook his head.

"I doubt you'll be this smug if we would have broken our arses sitting a second longer in that bed."

"I was sitting on your lap so it would have technically been your arse that suffers."

I stated matter of factly. It was his turn to roll his eyes before he set me down. He goes the blanket and laid it on the floor, as I got the only two small pillows that I owned.

We face each other, as we laid side by side.

"Goodnight, my Enkeli."

"Goodnight, my Shouwang."

I replied with a soft smile, as my eyes began to close on their own. I felt something soft against my lips for a moment before the warmth disappeared. Knowing it was his familiar lips, a smile took over my face, as I succumbed into slumber.

Destined to the TravelerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant