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It felt like a hundred-pound stone lay on top of my head, as I blinked my eyes. I groaned and looked around to see the night sky.

I vaguely remember waking up and drinking some tea and bread, Adri left by my side. Then I fell back asleep and woke up feeling worse. My head felt heavy and my nose was stuffed. Laying back down on the bed, I covered myself with the blanket, hoping this fever will break soon.

Just as I closed my eyes and welcomed the warmth of the blanket, the door creaked open. Adrianus' large figure entered the cottage and I felt my lips form a lazy smile.


I croaked out, my voice raspy from not talking all day.

"How are you feeling?"

He said, walking up and placing a kiss on the top of my head.

"Like a loaf of stale bread is placed on my head and my nose is filled with porridge."

"That- that is disgustingly detailed."

He stated, grimacing. I laughed, which transitioned into a cough, midway. He put his bag down on the table near me and placed his hand on my forehead.

"At least you're not burning up. I brought some remedies that should help you."

He said as he dug in the bag. He got an empty bowl and poured some soup from a container. It was still hot and smelled heavenly.

Adri handed it to me, and I greedily took it, gulping down bites.

"If anyone walked in here at this moment, they would surely think I starved you for a month."

"Well, the only thing I drank was tea and a couple of bites of bread. Also, this is a palatable bowl of soup."

"My sister. I told her you fell ill and she was glad to make it. She said it is the least she can do for the woman who saved her daft brother's life, and I quote she said dummy, but God knows who she references that too."

I chuckle as he rolled his eyes.

"You can be quite daft at times."

"Oh yeah, like when?"

"Well, there was that time when you were drunk from all that liquor from the night you nearly lost your life."

"In my defence I was drunk. If you think I'm daft when I'm drunk, then I can only envision you in that state."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I think you forget that you fell into a stream headfirst this morning."

"That was an accident."

"Than shall I remind you of the time you stammered when you first met me, the time you tripped over the hem of your own dress, fell off the log bench, knotted a banda onto your head until I had to cut it with my sword."

"Ok ok, that's enough."

I stated. He grinned and I focused back on my soup. I never realized I was such a clutz and the thought of it made me laugh. 

"What are you laughing at?"

Adrianus questioned curiously.

"Well, we should be called the 'Valient Soldier and the Clutz'."

"That is a suitable name, I suppose."

He said laughing. I grinned back at him and focused my attention on the heavenly soup. I bit into a piece of chicken and a burst of flavours enveloped my tastebuds. I let out a moan in the delight at such tasty food.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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