"It's nice to see you too, I've come here to see how you've been getting on over the past 17 years!" Bumblebee signed.

"We've been getting on well, dad's retired now and since Chase can go out by himself, and I run the firehouse." Cody explained.

"Even though I was supposed to run it." Kade signed from somewhere.

"Don't mind him, he's just mad, probably because him and Haley had an argument again." Cody signed with a smile pointing at his brother.

"Where is Frankie and her little sister?" Stevie asked Boulder.

"They are at the lab!" The green bot answered.

"I married her!" Cody spoke up.

"Well, it was about time!" Stevie smiled.

"Nice to see you again, Stevie how long will you be staying?" Chief asked coming over.

"Not for long, since I've joined team Prime as their ally against the Deceptacons I've been spending my days on the mainland." Stevie answered.

"So, you're helping Bumblebee defeat the Deceptacons?" Blades asked.

"Yeah." Stevie nodded.

"Noble, I'm happy for you." Cody replied.

Then Cody's com buzzed and he picked it up.

"Cody, we coming back!" Frankie said on the other end.

Cody nodded and hung up.

"Frankie and CeCe and Heatwave will be coming back shortly." Chase spoke up.

"I can't wait to see CeCe again, I hope she's been doing well!" Stevie excitedly spoke.

Then the fire house doors opened and Heatwave drove inside.

"Heatwave, where have you been?" Kade asked.

"I was out!" Heatwave responded as he opened his doors to let Frankie and CeCe out, then he transformed and walked over to Cody.

CeCe immediately spotted Stevie and walked up to him.

"Who's there?" He asked.

"Who's there, CeCe?" CeCe repeated.

"CeCe is that you?" Stevie asked.

"Yes!" CeCe responded.

"It's nice to see you again!" Stevie went to embrace her.

"No thank you." CeCe shrieked.

"Let Uncle Stevie give you a hug , please!" Stevie begged.

"Stevie, I suggest you let it go!" Heatwave grumbled.

"Come on Heat don't be so ungrateful." Kade spoke up.

"Yeah, and you haven't seen through his lies yet?" Heatwave asked before transforming and driving off again.

"What is his deal?" Stevie asked.

"It appears that he does not trust you." Chase said.

The humans all went upstairs while the bots stayed downstairs in the bunker.

Once upstairs, the humans, all sat down for lunch, Dani who had made her famous meatloaf, brought it and set it down on the table.

"Digg in everyone!" Dani spoke.

Everyone helped themselves to mashed potatoes and meatloaf.

"Should I help you, Stevie?" Cody asked noticing Stevie just sitting there doing nothing.

"Oh, yes, please, I'm used to having people do things for me." The man spoke as he let Cody help him.

"You better not have poisoned him, sis?" Kade whispered to his sister witch earned him a nudge in the ribs from Graham.

Kade looked annoyed, but kept on eating.

"There you go, now remember, your plate is like a clock!" Cody reminded Stevie.

"Thanks, Cody I think I'll manage." Stevie said as he got to work.

"Uncle Cody, why does that man wears sunglasses indoors? It's not sunny indoors!" Evelyn whispered.

"When we're done eating, you could ask him yourself!" Cody whispered back.

Evelyn let out a heavy sigh, but continued eating.

After lunch, everybody went back down to the bunker.


In the bunker Bumblebee was telling everyone how excited he was to be back here.

"I'm glad that you are back, I've missed you!" Blades signed.

Bumblebee nodded as the humans came down.

"Mr. Wonder I have a question, why do you wear sunglasses indoors?" Evelyn asked.

"Well, to protect my eyes, because, even though I am blind, my eyes are still very sensitive to light so if I were to take off my sunglasses, it would hurt my eyes." Stevie explained, kneeling down to Evelyn.

Evelyn wanted to ask how Stevie got blind, but decided against it as she knew that her mother would scold her for it.

"Will you be staying?" Chase asked.

"Maybe, depending what Optimus has planned for us next!" Stevie spoke.

Cody smiled, knowing that if Stevie were to stay that they would have so much fun.

But something was troubling Cody, he saw a tattoo on Stevie's left arm, and something about it was not right, Cody couldn't quite place his finger on it.

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