Stevie is back.

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The next morning down in the bunker, Dani and Cody were making a sign for Bumblebee's welcome party.

"It's been so long since we've seen Bumblebee, I hope he's doing well." Cody wondered out loud.

"And guess who's coming with him, Stevie." Chief said as he came over to where Cody and Dani were working on the banner.

"Wow, Stevie's back, I thought he was on the mainland or possibly in New Orleans?" Boulder asked.

Chief nodded. "He said he was coming on the 12 o'clock ferry with Bumblebee."

"But he's asked us not to reveal his past." Chief continued.

"Yes, we wouldn't want to bring up something that is not relevant." Chase spoke as he came over to where Chief and Cody stood.

"Who is Bumblebee and who is Stevie?" Evelyn asked.

"Just some friends of your uncles and your grandpa, and I believe your Uncle Cody was a fan of Stevie at one point, right Cody?" Amy asked.

"Yes." Cody nodded as he went back to painting the sign.

"Should we prepare lunch?" Dani asked.

"Not unless you want to poison him." Blades giggled.

"My meatloaf isn't that bad." Dani argued as she went upstairs to prepare the meatloaf.

"Uncle Blades, I don't think auntie Dani's meatloaf is bad." Evelyn sweetly said.

"Well, you haven't had to sit through lunch eating her meatloaf." Kade smugly remarked.


At Doc's laboratory, Heatwave was playing with CeCe.

"What's Uncle Heatwave turned into?" Heatwave asked as he turned into a boat.

"Boat!" CeCe responded.

"Now say it in a full sentence!" Frankie gently coaxed.

"Uncle Heatwave is a boat!" CeCe responded.

"Good job." Frankie praised.

Anna came out of the lab to see Frankie hugging her sister, and smiling.

"Anna, CeCe just said her first full sentence!" Frankie beamed as Heatwave transformed.

"I'm proud of you!" Heatwave made his way over to were Frankie stood.

"Ezra, CeCe just said her first full sentence." Anna called to her husband, who was in side of the laboratory.

"Well, we always knew she was intelligent!" He called back.


Back at the fire house, Bumblebee and Stevie had arrived.

Bumblebee was telling Blades all about his adventures.

"Where is Heatwave?" Stevie asked adjusting his glasses.

"At the lab!" Boulder answered.

"It's nice to see you back." Blades signed to Bumblebee.

Bumblebee nodded and went over to Chase.

"Hello, Bumblebee, I am glad that you are back!" Chase signed.

"Hey Stevie, it's been a while." Cody embraced Stevie.

"Yes, indeed it has." Stevie acknowledged.

Bumblebee came over to Cody and knelt to him.

"It's nice to see you again." Cody signed.

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