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That night CeCe was upset, and Frankie didn't know what to do, Cody had volunteered to stay over the night, Frankie had made up his bed for the night in one of the spare bedrooms that they had.

"CeCe, it's time for bed now!" Frankie announced to her sister, who was sitting at the kitchen table drawing.

"No, don't want to!" CeCe screeched.

"CeCe, you need to go to bed now, or you'll be tired in the mornin, please just do it for your uncle Cody!" Cody tried, but that seem to only make it worse.

"That's it I'm calling Heatwave or maybe Boulder." Frankie said as she grabbed Cody's comm tab.

Chase answered the call when Frankie got through to the fire house.

"What seems to be the problem?" Chase asked.

"It's my sister, she won't go to bed, we were hoping that maybe Boulder or Heatwave could come over!" Frankie explained as the commotion behind her got louder.

"Hmm, I can see that your sister seems angry, but unfortunately Boulder and Heatwave are out on a mission right now, so the only bots that are at the firehouse at the moment are me and Blades!" Chase explained.

Frankie let out a heavy sigh.

"Well, maybe you and Blades can come over!" Frankie finally said after a long period of silence.

"Sure, I just need to check with Chief if that's ok!" Chase answered, and then hung up.

"Hey Cody, guess what, Chase and blades are going to come over to help us." Frankie yelled over her sister's screaming.

"CeCe, uncle Blades and uncle Chase are gonna come help." Cody tried to calm her down.

"No, you don't want that." CeCe screamed at the top of her lungs.

A few minutes later Chase and Blades arrived at the lab.

Both bots heard the screaming from inside and rushed in to find CeCe lying on the floor and hitting her head.

Blades rushed over and knelt to CeCe.

"CeCe, can you look at me, it's ok!" The copter tried to calm her, but to no avail, she just kept screaming.

Blades stood back up and turned to Cody.

"What happened?" He asked.

"We don't know, she just started screaming!" Frankie answered.

"CeCe please stop your crying, tell us what is wrong!" Chase attempted.

CeCe stopped crying long enough to look at Chase, but then immediately started crying again.

"I have an idea, we can try the new communication book she got for Christmas?" Cody offered.

"Yes, but do we know how to use it?" Chase asked.

"No, but I'm sure it's not too difficult to figure out!" Blades said as he got the communication book and laid it out for CeCe when she was calm enough to talk.

"This reminds me of the many times that Emily had meltdowns, what did we do then?" Cody mused.

"We tried to calm her down before your dad and Doc came up with a way for her to communicate, then eventually she was confident enough to use her own voice to talk, but I think with CeCe, it may be different." Chase who had gotten a stuffed animal from the back room announced.

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