It's moving day

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Early Sunday morning Cody woke up, he was excited because today he would be moving in with Frankie.

He got up, got dressed, and went downstairs, his father and siblings were already sitting at the table.

"Morning!" Cody greeted them with a smile.

"Morning, son, how are you feeling?" Chief asked.

"I'm feeling well, I'm pretty excited that I'm gonna move in with Frankie, that means I get to see CeCe all the time." Cody said, sitting down across from his father and grabbing a bowl of cereal.

"That's right, we're happy for you!" Kade spoke.

"But you're still come over to visit , right?" Graham asked.

"Yeah, and I'll still be dispatch on calls if you need it!" Cody answered.

"But who's going to run things?" Dani asked.

"I will!" Kade announced witch, earned him a stern look from chief, and an eye roll, from Graham and Cody.

"Oh, come on guys, don't you think I can do it?" Kade accused abruptly, standing up from the table and leaving.


Downstairs in the bunker.

"I can't believe that Cody is moving away!" Boulder dejectedly said.

"Yeah, this will be hard!" Chase agreed.

"I didn't get to see him today, do you think he's already packed?" Bumblebee signed.

"Yeah, probably!" Heatwave answered.

Stevie and Evelyn were playing in a corner, when Evelyn asked, the one question that Stevie was not prepared for.

"Uncle Stevie, why does Uncle Cody have to leave?" The eight-year-old asked.

"Well, your Uncle Cody, and your Auntie Frankie, they have a child together, and they need to be together, ya understand?" Stevie answered.

"Yes, I understand!" Evelyn answered then continued playing.

Then, when she was done playing, Evelyn got up and went over to Chase.

"Uncle Chase, I'm going to miss Uncle Cody, won't you?" Evelyn asked Chase.

"Yes, I will most definitely miss him, but you must not worry you will see him often!" Chase spoke reassuringly.

"Thanks, Uncle Chase." Evelyn thanked.

Cody slid down the fire pole to the bunker to find his niece, Stevie and Chase.

"Well, it's time for me to go!" Cody said to Chase.

"Safe travels, always wear your seatbelt!" Chase reminded.

"Thank you, Chase!" Cody smiled.

"We will miss you, Cody!" Stevie said.

"Yeah, I'll miss you as well!" Cody acknowledged.

Evelyn stayed silent and didn't say anything.

"Hey Evelyn, what's wrong?" Cody asked his niece.

"Why do you have to go, I don't want you to go!" Evelyn cried.

Cody looked crestfallen as he hugged his niece then pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"I won't be gone forever, I'm just moving in with Auntie Frankie, so I can provide for your cousin Jackson!" Cody spoke softly wiping away Evelyn's tears.

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