The hottest day of the year

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The entire family was sitting in the bunker because it was too hot to go out.

"Why does it need to be so hot?" Kade complained as he used a little handheld fan.

"I know, right!" Cody spoke up.

Even the bots were feeling the effects of the heat, Blades was sitting in front of the TV as usual but this time he had a fan next to him.

Chase was writing the ninth chapter of his book, the competent detective.

Heatwave stood off to the side in vehicle mode, he and Kade had had a falling out the night before about Stevie moving back to Griffin rock.

Blur had gone out racing as usual, even though the others told him that it was too hot to go out, but he didn't listen.

Bumblebee who had stayed at the firehouse was talking to Boulder.

Bumblebee was surprised that in 20 years Boulder had learned sign language, so that they could communicate more effectively.

Bumblebee tried to get Cody's attention by waving a servo in his direction.

"Yeah?" Cody signed.

"I don't like this heat, oh, and where is CeCe?" Bumblebee signed.

"CeCe is with Frankie back at the lab, Doc said he wanted to try something to try and get CeCe to talk some more." Cody explained.

Bumblebee made a sound that sounded like a grunt and shook his head in disappointment.

"Don't worry, you'll get to see her soon." Blades, who had stopped watching TV and came over signed.

"Thank you, Blades." Bumblebee signed.

"Man, I'm so excited that I get to move back to Griffin rock." Stevie spoke excitedly.

Kade gave him a sideways look.

"We know, you've been talking about it for the past 23 weeks now, just drop it already!" Kade started to get very annoyed.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Stevie said in a low voice.

"Yeah, it's not like you're special, if it weren't for my dad, you wouldn't even be a part of this team, you know we would've shipped you back to Vegas or whatever you're from!" Kade started bullying Stevie.

"Kade, that's enough, you should know better, you're not 3 anymore!" Chief finally spoke up.

"I'm just sick and tired of Stevie getting all the attention, I'm done!" Kade stormed out, leaving his siblings and dad speechless.

"Why is he like that?" Cody finally asked.

"I don't know!" Graham answered his younger brother.

"Sorry about Kade, I'm not sure what's gotten into him lately." Heatwave spoke softly as he came over.

"i'm used to it, people back home never appreciated me, so why should be here?" Stevie lamented.

"Don't talk like that, we love you, ya hear, don't you worry about Kade, he just does not when to stop sometimes." Chief reassured.

"Thanks, Chief, ah ain't sure Kade will see it that way, If I move back." Stevie thanked.

"Well, ya shouldn't listen to him, ya should listen to what your heart has to say." Graham spoke.


At the lab , Doc was trying to come up with a more effective way for his daughter to communicate.

"CeCe, try this!" Doc said, as he handed his daughter a tablet.

But CeCe was having none of it, she almost immediately threw the tablet back at her dad.

"Maybe she doesn't want to communicate!" Frankie suggested.

"Nonsense!" Doc scuffed as he went back to work.

Frankie shook her head. She found it ridiculous that her father was trying to get CeCe to communicate when she clearly did not want to.

"Dad, I'm not sure that you are understanding what CeCe actually wants, clearly she does not want to communicate, she's fine the way she is, stop trying to change her!" Frankie finally yelled out after watching her dad once again try and get CeCe to communicate with him.

Doc's face fell as he realized what he was doing.

"You're right, I'm trying to make her be like me!" He spoke, as he crouched down to his youngest.

"She repeats everything that you say anyway, it's called Echolalia, I read somewhere that it's a form of communication for autistic children!" Anna came up behind Doc.

Doc let out a heavy sigh in defeat.

Frankie's little son was playing in  CeCe's old playpen, he was three years old.

"Mommy, why auntie CeCe upset?" He asked looking worried.

"Remember how we said that auntie is special?" Frankie asked her son.

"Yeah!" The three year old responded.

"Well, auntie has something called autism, that makes she is real special!" Frankie softly spoke.

"Auntie special!" CeCe said to the three-year-old.

"Why daddy not here?" The boy asked.

"Daddy's at the fire house, we'll go see him later, ok?" Frankie explained ruffling the young boy's hair.


Later at the fire house.

"I'm so excited, I get to see Jackson again today!" Cody said as him, and his father were sitting at the dining room table.

"So have you decided whether to move in with Frankie at the lab or if they are going to move in here?" Chief asked, taking a sip of his tea.

"I'm not sure yet, we don't have enough room at the fire house as it is, not with Stevie and Bumblebee staying here!" Cody said, taking a sip of his coffee.

Shortly after getting married, Frankie and Cody had a child together, and as much as Cody wanted to move in with Frankie, he had his duties at the fire house, even though his siblings, and the bots encouraged him to move in with her, he wasn't sure there would be enough room.

"It's been three years, don't you think it's time that you at least moved in with Frankie, I mean, Jackson needs to be around his father as much as possible, don't you think?" Chief asked after a bit of silence.

"Yeah but now that you're retired, I need to run this fire house, and no way am I putting Kade in charge!" Cody answered.

Chief let out a heavy sigh.

"Then I'm not really sure what to tell you, other than you better figure it out soon!" Chief said, getting up and putting his cup into the dishwasher and walking out of the dining room.

Cody pondered over his dad's words then he called Frankie on his video phone.

"Hey Frankie, just had a chat with my father, and he says, for Jackson's sake, I should move in with you!" Cody announced once Frankie answered her phone.

"Well, isn't it about time?" Frankie asked sarcastically.

Cody rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and nodded.

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