Chapter 130 - Path to Transcendence

Start from the beginning


Ability to use the energy of the world.

Limitless access to Nature Chakra.

Knowledge required to learn and master the Taijutsu style 'Flowing Fist of the Natural Order'.

Completing one half of the conditions required to become a Transcendent.

New Title.



Very limited access to Nature Chakra. (This only applies if at least half the quest is completed.)

Will not be able to master 'Flowing Fist of the Natural Order'.

Will never become a Transcendent.

Possible Death.


[Accept (Y/N)]

'Holy Shit! Energy of the world! Limitless Nature Chakra and Becoming a Transcendent!? My god... This kind of a quest...'

Daichi couldn't believe the rewards of the quest.

'Becoming a Transcendent... No! It says completing one half of the conditions required... So there is probably another quest I'll need to complete to become a Transcendent...'

At that moment another thought popped into Daichi's head. 'If I can become a Transcendent being, then can I fight the Otsutsuki on my own?... Questions for later.'

"Hey Daichi! Quit spacing out. We're here." Tsunade's yell brought Daichi out of his thoughts. He accepted the quest and decided to look into it later at home.

The trio made their way up the floors and soon reached their booth on the second floor. They ordered fancy dishes and celebrated Daichi's successful year.

Daichi asked his two companions what it was like to travel and see the world. Hearing Daichi's questions, Shizune recalled her adventures throughout the country. They had a fun time and after a couple hours things were winding down.

"Daichi, since Kensei has already approved, we'll leave the capital in a few days. There are still some things for you to learn regarding medicine and the next destination is perfect for that."

"Where exactly are we going, Sensei?"

"To the Land of Medicine."


It was midnight. Daichi was laying in his bed looking at the conditions of the latest quest he had received. He looked at the first condition of the quest.

'Observe and Understand 7 different types of Creatures... Somehow I get the feeling that the list should include Birds, Reptiles and Amphibians... So which ones should I focus on?'

After thinking on it for a while he had a few options in mind. 'Birds, Lizards, Tiger, Snake, Toad, Fish and Human... The quest didn't say I couldn't observe and understand Humans... Not sure what more there is to understand about us but I'll give it a try.'

Daichi moved on to the next part. 'Understand the creational aspects of Nature... Hmm. Plants, Forest, Lakes and Oceans. They are ecosystems that give birth to life. Is that what the quest meant? I need to see the birth of new life in these terrains?'

Daichi pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.

'Ghaa! This quest is so complicated. Then again given what the rewards are I suppose this is only natural.'

The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima [Vol. 01]Where stories live. Discover now