I sprang up in rage. "What is the meaning of this?!"

The scientist shook his arms, perhaps trying to regain feeling back in them. "M-mr. Archer, I know it's not the cybernetic eye you requested for your son, and I swear I'm still working on it, but– "

"Dr. Leiber!" I glared down at him but suddenly realized I was losing my act. I puffed a sigh and stroked back my gelled black hair. Then I sat back down and adjusted the collars of my suit.

My voice took a calm, stern tone. "Dr. Leiber, you had one purpose– to save my son. As we speak, I have acquired over half of the sum of money needed to purchase the cybernetic eye from an associate overseas and perform the surgery. What progress have you made, Doc?"

His hands fidgeted as he spoke. "I am so sorry for the delay, Mr. Archer. Integrating robotic parts with the nervous system is no easy task. All the models I've built are just not compatible but– "

"So you're useless then?" I raised my jaw as my fingers rapped the wooden desk.

His eyes popped wide open, and sweat drops broke out all over his face. "N-n-no! I have use, Mr. Archer! Th-this device that was recovered from Zen's hideout, it's the most exceptional piece of technology I have ever seen. I asked to run a few experiments with it, and I managed to create a custom battery to get it up and running. Sir, I believe I can make a weapon out of it. The most expensive you'll ever sell."

"Music to my ears, Leiber. You've changed your role without my consent, but at least you still have a purpose." I leaned back in my chair. "Don't make me wait on the weapon."

"Yes, Mr. Archer. I shall not disappoint."

"Now leave my presence, and nobody dare interrupt me again!"

A sudden red beam rose from the spherical ball; like a pillar of red light. It burst out with a strange noise, and as I squinted, I could barely trace the silhouette of an eerie figure forming within the beam. "What the– "

A monster at least 10 feet tall jumped out just before the beam dissolved. It pounced on the bodyguard that was in charge of the scientist. I heard his bones snap as he yelped in pain. The monster straightened its back and flexed its long red metal claws. Growling, it turned to me; staring through my soul with those dark beady eyes. My heart pounded heavily, in a way it hadn't done before.

The monster's attraction was thankfully redirected to the office door when it slammed open to reveal my armed men.

"Boss! We heard noi...ses." The lead guard gawked at the intruder. I could see they were all trembling. The fools were considering abandoning me.

"Fools! Take it down, or no one gets their cut!"

My pep talk seemed successful as the band of men trooped in and formed a barricade around the creature. It just slowly gazed around.

Machine guns opened fire on it; the gunfire ricocheted off, just like it does with Tekeon.

My face froze in horror as its eyes landed on me again, and it began to advance toward me with earthshaking stomps. Like a deer caught in headlights, I could only but watch in unfamiliar fear.

It swung its elbow and swatted the three men who shielded me, sending them flying across the large room and crashing into the wall with a sickening crack. Then it stretched its red metal hand and grabbed me like a stick, raising me off the ground and slowly squeezing. The frightening strong grip had me writhing in agony while I was suspended in the air. Why the heck was I singled out?

Hank's voice screamed from behind the creature. "Clear!"

I gazed over its shoulder just in time to see Hank fire a rocket launcher. Everywhere lit up with the explosion, but to my dread, the monster didn't even flinch.

I saw Hank make the sign of the cross and attempt to reload. As my vision began to blur, the creature grabbed the nearest shooting guard and headbutted him. I winced in sympathy but was shocked at the sight I saw; As the creature kept its forehead on that of the questionably unconscious guard, a red glow began to shine between them and the guard's veins became visibly red for a moment before dimming back to normal.

"Language acquired." The creature growled with a voice that sent fresh ripples of fear through me. Flinging the body away, it continued. "I am certain by your behavior that this man is your leader." It looked around at the frantically reloading men. "Surrender to me, and he shall live. Don't, and you all shall be annihilated."

"But what about our cut?" I heard a faint whisper as I began to fade.

Another whisper followed. "No boss, no cut. And I'm pretty sure you gotta be alive to get your cut."

Relief came over me when it let go and I crumbled on the ground, taking in gasps of air. "Wow." I barely rose.

All my men had their guns down and their hands up.

Staggering to my desk, I let out a crazed laugh from the depths of my scrambled mind. What the heck is going on here?

I collapsed on the black leather seat, throat still sore from the choke. "What... do you want?"

"Rotore!" The monster roared.

"What the fuck are you saying?" I looked up to see it pointing at the TV screen. A video clip was on, showing Tekeon as he levitated above the crowd in front of the NC Pavilion.

The monster roared again. "Rotore!"

A grin spread across my face. I stroked my hair back to fix loose strands. "That can be arranged."


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