[Chapter 12] - Armaments that Quaked the World

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(POV - 3RD)

It was late at night, well after 2 a.m. in the morning and the Blue Butterfly Bar is still open but not for long as its owner just flipped the sign on the door to "Closed". 

Alexander then returned to the counter before counting up the profits he made for the day, although slow and rather dull, his new assistant nevertheless provided some entertainment, considering young Xiao was quite easy to get a reaction from.

Call him an asshole but if the boy is going to work in his establishment, he's also going to need to give him a few tips in maintaining a stoic visage instead of falling under his provocations.

However, that will have to wait since the senior bartender heard someone amiss near the entrance of the bar and he had already sent Xiao to sleep so he'll be alone.

Alexander's hand reached underneath the counter and inside a secret compartment where a silencer pistol laid as the door opened up to reveal a heavily cloaked and masked figure.

"To whom do I owe the pleasure of this late night intrusion?" Alexander asked, finger dancing around the trigger of the silencer.

"A messenger." A voice said from the figure, garbled yet discernible enough to make out the words for the bartender.

"Ah... I should have known, it's from her, isn't it?" Alexander snarked lightly.

"If you are aware then you should know what message I bring."

"Hmm, let's see... dark, tall and cloaked to make for an imposing figure and hidden weapons beneath that coat? More like a threat than a message, I believe."

Alexander deducted with a mocking smirk, hand grasping around the silencer with his finger lying on the trigger now as the dark figure merely stood there, uncaring whether if the bartender is right or not.

What matters is the message he brings.

"See it however you wish, but the message remains the same." The figure said with an edge around his voice.

"So does my answer." Alexander stated, a firm tone underlying his voice.

Tension can almost be felt in the bar as the two men stared down each other, both with contempt as they tried to discern their next moves but what's clear is that violence at this time and place would not bode well for both of them.

Police officers and unwanted attentions were a pain to clear away.

"Hmph, I will retreat for tonight but remember; you cannot avoid us forever." The figure threatened before chucking a card onto the counter.

"Oh, but I do believe it's the human rights to do what they can to avoid unnecessary drama, especially from your kind." Alexander retorted.

"Traitors do not deserve to have 'rights'." Rebuked the man.

"That's what YOU think, now please remove yourself from my establishment, your odour will foul up my bar." The elderly bartender ordered.

With a low growl, the mysterious man in black then made his way back out of the door with Alexander watching him closely before seeing the door shut and only with him all alone in the bar once again, allowing him to unhand his silencer.

"Remember who you serve, Alexander." Was the last words the man said as he left.

The bartender then sighed as he sat on one of the chairs before drinking a small shot of whisky, he just knew one day that his past would come to bite him in the ass but he never knew the day would come so quickly, especially when he's just gotten acquainted with two new individuals.

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