[Chapter 14] - Legacy Unchained

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(POV - 3RD)

Y/N slammed into a wall before he leapt to the side, avoiding a giant scythe slicing down where he just stood which effortlessly sliced apart the surface behind him, drawing up more dust and debris as the Einherjar fought the four-armed abyssal being.

With how the one-sided fight is turning out, it's obvious to say that Y/N is losing very quickly if he doesn't find an edge to give himself an advantage against his opponent... which isn't letting him breathe for just a second as the creature charged at him once more.

The time traveller ducked down to avoid the axe sweeping across the air towards his head before dodging the scythe and then intercepting the falchion with his spear while batting away the rapier and avoiding more swings from the scythe and axe.

Unfortunately, the area around him was progressively becoming more demolished with resulted in more dust and smoke billowing upwards which in turn, occasionally obscured Y/N's sight thus almost getting him killed more than once.

However, instincts honed by fighting for so long was the only thing keeping him alive, for now. The Einherjar could feel his muscles and bones slowly become more sluggish as the strain befell on them was simply to relentless and powerful in each strike.

To make matters worse, Y/N didn't even manage to get any hits back in, the four-armed bastard was just too fast and just as unforgiving as a lightning within a thunderstorm.

Y/N raised the spear again to block another attack which shook him off his feet, the Einherjar stumbled back several steps before intercepting the scythe and axe all together which caused him to forcibly kneel onto the ground.

He tried to push himself up but only for the abyssal figure to push down harder in return, seeing no chance to even retaliate, Y/N did the only thing which can be paramount to suicide as he dove forward, dropping down his spear as he rolled between his opponent's legs.

Said being's arms then dropped down from the lack of obstruction before smashing into the ground once again, tearing up debris all around the two fighters as Y/N was blown back by the sheer force of the impact.

"And I'm suppose to fight this thing?!" Y/N muttered to himself in disbelief as he brandished the rusty spear within his hands again.

Keyword; disbelief yet not despair nor hopelessness.

He won't be going down without a fight. His abyssal opponent slowly turned around before seeing the time traveller dash forward with his spear aimed at its head, whom he easily parried aside and returned another a slash forward with its weapons.

Y/N leapt back just as the weapons made impact with the ground and then charged back in as his opponent was just beginning to raise the weapons back up, giving Y/N a tiny window of an opportunity to fight back even if it's just for a second.

His spear rocketed forward and towards his opponent's neck which Y/N had no choice to assume that it was the weakest part of the armour, exploiting this moment to counterattack and hopefully give himself a new outlook on his enemy.

However, the axe flew forward just in time to block the tip of his spear.

Y/N looked to see the scythe racing forward to bisect him into two before retracting his spear and blocking the weapon which pushed him backwards with ease as the Einherjar tried desperately to hold himself against the being.

Only to neglect watching out for a fist digging straight into his side as Y/N felt the air in him shoot out as he slammed into a collapsed pillar. He couldn't even take his time to catch his breath as he jumped up before the scythe could cut him down and flipped behind the pillar as the creature simply sliced the stone apart effortlessly.

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