[Chapter 1] - Nightmare's End

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Y/N L/N slowly opened his eyes, struggling to even make his own lungs start to breathe again, he lifted his head up to see the world wracked with red and black. 

The moon up above offered whatever light it has to illuminate the world below, motes of dust floated in the air accompanied by the acrid smell of smoke and burnt... something.

On the side laid a several to countless numbers of corpses, broken vehicles and weapons alike, all of them either Honkai beasts or the Valkyries who valiantly slew them. 

Everything was frozen, as if time itself had paused the world, the only movements seen were the hazy trails of smoke and the crackling flames that engulfed the wrecked vehicles.

With another crackle of fire, a few vehicles exploded and stuttered with more smoke before tumbling apart with a crash onto the ground, but no one moved or called out for an survivors.

His throat felt dry and gritty as he breathed in more air to regain his senses, confusion and thoughts continued to plague his mind as he wondered what happened. Y/N grabbed onto what remains of his polearm before pushing himself up.

Every step he took felt like it was tied down with a chain of lead, his head felt both heavy and light which occasionally made him stumble around and using the polearm as a cane. Every single bit of his body was filled with fatigue as he scanned his surroundings.

Was the battle finally over at last?

If so where are the survivors? Are there even any survivors? Is humanity still safe?

His foot slid on a single rock and soon his legs buckled under his own weight as he tumble back down onto the ground, the wounded teenager's movements were slow as he picked himself up. His own hazy vision and the smoke obscured his sight, making hard to discern anything.

Y/N coughed from the smoke before spitting out blood tinged with black impurities.

He glanced at his hand before ripping off the glove and then gazed at his fingers with morbid distaste, all five of them were laced with purple/pink stripes of lines that glowed occasionally. 

There is no need for any indications to tell him that he is slowly being infected by the Honkai.

With dread and resignation filling his head, Y/N sighed before slipping the gloves back on and continued making his way through the dead land looking for any survivors.

If there happens to be any Honkai beast left alive... well, he'll just take his anger out on it.

More bodies continued to reveal themselves as Y/N trudged through the bloodstained fields and ruins, some veteran Valkyries, some newly assigned Valkyries with their battlesuits as nothing but a husk of their former glories, shattered and beyond repair. It was all the same.

Their weapons were no different, once a tool to slay the Honkai but now, it all lay shattered into pitiful pieces across the battlefield just like its owners.

The land is littered with girls who sacrificed their lives for the betterment of mankind.

Some he knew, some he didn't and all of them died in a gruesome manner, ripped apart, gouged through, dismembered, gave into the Honkai infection and some literally torn into pieces.

Their gaunt and lifeless gazes bore into Y/N's own eyes as he willed himself to not give in to the growing sickness residing down his throat.

It was like walking through hell itself.

Is he alone going to be the ferryman to send all these dead off?

Is he going to have to dig a grave for all of them?

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