[Chapter 5] - Sparring Lesson

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(POV - 3RD)

Another day passed without much of a hitch for Y/N unless you count a few girls' unpleasant glares and several attempts to make him mess up but he managed to pull through everyday. 

Though it took some time, his relationships with the rest of the school have turned into somewhat of a neutral stand point between him and the girls due to his quiet and reclusive nature during classes.

Classes were nothing too different from what he had learnt in the past before, classifications of the Honkai beasts and possible potential sources of an outbreak and whatever triggers it. 

Or just the basis of how the Honkai works.

Now the said time traveller is sitting in his room and reviewing the three antique scrolls he took off the old store owner, opening them had proven a hassle as the effects of time and rusting had caused him to struggle slightly and make a little mess.

However, he was able to pop them open and take out the surprisingly well preserved and intact parchments from within, what made it more surprising was the content within.

Each three scrolls contained the exact language that Y/N had saw crawling up his limbs and neck when he absorbed the Gnosis, ones that resembled ancient carvings of Shenzhou's characters. 

Fortunately, he was able to decipher them, unfortunately though, he was all but an expert as he had more trouble making out the language than dealing with irate girls and Honkai beasts. 

Though he had issues with reading the dead language, he was lucky enough to be able to make out some of the characters that also revealed another surprising revelation to him which not only showed him a familiar name but also more information.

The characters, though almost unreadable due to the old scribbles and aging but roughly translated to 岩王帝君 or to be more simple in Shenzhou romanization; Yánwáng Dìjūn. Which can both be translated to "Imperial Sovereign" or "Stonelord Sovereign".

These titles and names both came under the guise of Rex Lapis.

As shocking as it was, Y/N would have to keep this discovery at the back of his mind for now since there was other characters to decipher and two more came prominently into his sight. 

The ancient characters that roughly translates to 奥赛尔 or the romanization; Àosài'ěr, and another name of the said individual that translates to "That Which Lies in the Deep".

If this being gained a title within the records relating to Rex Lapis, his predecessor then it would potentially mean this was a foe to be reckoned with.

 The next parchment showcased a short story of Rex Lapis sealing a dragon away into the earth where it originally came from, but the name itself... proved to be more difficult to decipher than that of Osial's. However, there wasn't mistaking the fact that it was a "dragon" shown in it.

The characters of 若陀 whose romanization is "Rětuó" gave Y/N some headaches in trying to fully translate the text, but jumping onto his laptop and doing some extensive researching, he was able to roughly decipher the characters into another one; 若陀龙王.

The original naming of 若陀 and the alternate name of 若陀龙王 has shown to be a recreation of ancient Sanskrit words with the "Rě" pronounced differently than it should had been. However, ignoring everything here, both characters crudely translates to "Azhdaha".

As far as his knowledge goes and remembers, Azhdaha was a snake-like creature that resembled dragons originated from the mythologies of Persia. Y/N wasn't sure how it ended up in the stories of Shenzhou instead but forget about the trivia stuff.

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