[Chapter 13] - What Lies in the Deep

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(POV - 3RD)

Y/N frowned hard and slow, his experiences from dealing with unprecedented situations from the past and future had managed to let him keep his thoughts from leaking out to much.

The Einherjar gazed at the boat in front of him and the large container stored on its deck, it doesn't take a genius to know that it was the package that Alexander had sent him after he paid him approximately a million to buy off from a shady place.

As for the equipment, it wasn't something bought from an official manufacturer or company but from the underground markets; black or not so Y/N wasn't so sure if he could truly trust its quality and efficiency, especially if he's diving into the deepest spot in the entire ocean.

However, it's Alexander the time traveller's dealing with so he could at least trust the old bartender to give him a good equipment or two, the whip-sword he had received was still functioning just fine without breaking or chipping, so that's something to note from.

The boat or more like, the yacht that Y/N had received is also a "rented" vehicle along with the diving gears sent alongside it so the most preferable outcome would be that he doesn't damage the equipment and boat too much.

Keywords being; "too much", Y/N noted again, so he can afford to make a few scratches on the boat? Good to know.

All in all, the yacht looked to be good conditions to sail the seas for several weeks, even if there's a storm or rough waves in the ocean, it was also stocked up for the passengers to survive in the ocean for days without any fear of malnutrition or dehydration.

Although he's curious as to know what sort of diving suit was given to him, supposedly enough to traverse near the Mariana Trench, the wharf that the yacht is docked at is currently filled with other tourists and people so unboxing the suit here and now would be a bad idea.

 Y/N simply grunted as he hefted his luggage onto the yacht, he shouldn't waste time thinking when he should be boating out into the ocean, perhaps to his watery grave.


"Hmm... is it bad that I feel like I'm developing a case of thalassophobia?" Y/N said to no one as he gazed into the water... the deep, dark murky water.

For simplicity sake, the entire trip across the ocean to the trench took a few days straight considering that he's using a yacht instead of a high-powered ship but the supplies provided in the boat was more than enough to sustain him, end of story.

In the span of said days, Y/N's been continuously practicing moulding and forming constructs purely out of the Geo element and so far, the results have been progressively going well enough for him to accurately shape them into weapons.

The Prototype Rancour was one such example of a pure Geo sword and following the order of a spear, greatsword and bow, Y/N managed to create more "Prototypical" weapons, respectively called "Starglitter", "Archaic" and "Crescent".

For reasons unknown, the names just felt right.

Back to the present, the Einherjar was in the process of unboxing the large container, unlocking the many mechanisms that kept the suit inside tightly shut before he finally pried open the front of the case, revealing the diving equipment.

"This... looks like a regular diving suit..." Was all Y/N commented.

The suit in question was undoubtedly armoured and geared up for underwater exploration, but even with today's technology, the time traveller highly doubts that this lone suit is enough for him to remotely traverse into the depths of the trench with getting crushed by the pressure. 

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