"Sure??" He replied unsure, MK smiled wide then cleared his throat again obviously for dramatic effect.

"Who was the Re-Creator?"

Monkey king sat up choking on a chip, he coughed holding his throat.

"H-how..Why do you want t-to know..bud?"

"Well when I saw with vision of truth I saw the recreate and I'm curious! There's almost no documents and like 4 stories on him and like 2 paintings but that's it! So did you know him?!"

Monkey scoffed,
"Know him!? I loved him! He was my everything we went through hell and back together! I knew every secret he had to offer!" Monkey thought.

He sighed as he looked down he knew this question was coming. It didn't make him hate it with any less.

"Yeah I knew him. Knew him well actually! You see that mural up there! That's....well it was him. He was like my...'best friend' in a way," Monkey King explained. He hadn't talked about Ming I'm so long, he could his body begin to shake.

"That's so cool! What was he like?" MK asked excitedly.

"He was..kind, caring, he loved people, especially children. He always had a soft spot for them. He was also smart, selfless, and...hard working. But don't mistake it! He goofed off just as much as me!" Monkey King explained grabbing his arm to make it stop shaking.

"He sounds awesome!! D-did he have special powers!?" Mk asked even more invested than before.

"He could make illusions and obviously fly. He was almost as fast as me too," that was a lie Ming was always faster. Monkey King looked down his hands visibly shaking.

"What were his wings like?! Did he really have 4 arms!?"

"Yeah he did. His wings were I don't know- brown!" Monkey king spoke in a harsher tone trying to get his body to stop shaking. Clutching his teeth, he wanted to vomit.

"OH OH! And that story about you and Re-Creator planking heaven together!?"

"Yup. Long time ago." Monkey king kept his teeth clutched together trying not to show his frustration. Monkey King turned biting his thumb to not yell. His entire body was shaking..he hated this feeling. These feelings. The pain. Anger. Sadness. Greif. He couldn't handle it.

"Did you know his name!? Like his actual name!"


"MING! HIS NAME WAS MING WHY DO YOU NEED TO KNOW HES DEAD!" Wukong screamed losing it. Wukong felt like his chest was on fire, "HES DEAD." His rough tone scared MK.

"HE'S DEAD! I-I wasn't.." he looked at MK who was on the floor scared his arm slightly lifted to block an attack. Wukong turned, "No more training today. Go home MK." Wukong touched his face to find his hand was wet. Tears were pouring form his eyes, he wiped them away.

He was Monkey King.

He didn't cry.

He was Monkey King.

Just...Monkey King.

MK watched as Monkey King went around the corner. What happened with him and..Ming?

How did an someone immortal die?

Was he not...truly immortal?


Red Son set an ice pack on his head still sore from the race. He grumbled about losing to those peasants and that the peach wasn't an actual peach.

His parents were still digging up that mysterious thingy. They also had Nuo help them! Why not have both of them help! They were like a packaged deal, they worked fast and better together. Red Son let out an annoyed sigh watching as they dug. He decided to look through his bag for anything fun to do.

"Red Son?" He jumped at the voice scratching himself on something in his bag,
"OW!" He yelped. He looked over pissed, but it was Nuo. He immediately calmed down,
"Yes Nuo?" He asked. She sat next to him,
"Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?" She asked reaching for him hand. He pulled his hand away,
"It's a scratch. I'm fine." She was covered in dirt and soot. Even her hair had dirt in it, "Aren't you helping my parents?"
"They said I could take a great their almost done anyway. I wanted to check on you," she explained. Red Son looked at her, she was obviously tried and probably really wanted to lay down.

He sighed,
"You don't have to do that," he said grabbing her hand,
"It's kinda-" she yawned, "my job Red Son." He shook his head.
"Go to sleep idiot," he said leaning her on his shoulder.
"My job is to check on you too. And if your not alright I'm supposed to take care of you. So go to sleep, I'm fine," he insisted. Nuo yawned again she squeezed his hand,
"Thank you.." she trailed off falling asleep. He rolled his eyes kissing her forehead,
"Anytime firefly," he whispered leaning his head on hers.

He peaked down at his bag and saw the small metal nightlight he made as a kid. He remembered him, it had officially been about 399 years? Since his death...he sighed. He wondered what he would have thought of Red Son, and Nuo. He wondered if he would still have visited at least one other time if he survived. He wondered if he would've helped with freeing his father. Or stuck by his backstabbing partner.

No matter, he still missed him. He clutched Nuo's hand, at least he had his father again, and Nuo by his side.


Congratulations you read 1564 words! Hope you enjoyed!

Impossible Love (Monkie kid x Oc(s))Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ