
"Mhmm. I left my home at ten but I've always loved the dark because it's where we lived."

"That's cool. So it's just you?"

"No, my parents too. Hence why I have a better grasp on human life than him. No offense."

"None taken. We're working on it." Bokuto felt Akaashi shift and gently touched his back, rubbing his back in slow circles to keep him calm. "Do you have any ways we can work on that by the way?"

"For one tell people he was sheltered. Is he going to be made fun of? Yes. Will he quickly realize people will explain everything to him? Also yes." Suga shifted. "That's what we did with me because I got bullied. I couldn't speak anything but our native language and understand our songs."

"Oh man that sucks..."

He nodded before inhaling deeply. "He's waking up."

Bokuto glanced down and smiled at Akaashi's soft huff. "Good morning sunshine. How do we feel?" Akaashi curled up a bit and suckled his tongue. Bokuto tapped his back softly. "Take your time."


Sugawara smiled. They had such a warm energy about them. He just knew Akaashi's skin was cold to the touch like he was when Daichi wasn't around.


Bokuto rubbed his back. "What about your back?"

"Hurts a bit."

"You want to try and heal it?"

Akaashi shook his head.

"Okay, okay. Half an ibuprofen and some water?"

Akaashi nodded. He yawned into his pillow before whining. "Doesn't smell like home..."

Sugawara laughed softly. "Different detergent."

Akaashi yelped and sat up. "Hi!"

"No need to panic. I just wanted a dark place to sit and was waiting for you to talk to."

"Did I do something? I'm sorry."

Bokuto held him closer and handed him half an ibuprofen and a water bottle. "You didn't do anything. Suga just wanted a friend. He's not that weird, I promise."



Akaashi took his medicine and huddled up to Bokuto. "Cold."

Bokuto wrapped his arms around Akaashi and kissed his hair. "Hey Suga, can we just have today? I'm pretty stressed and he needs some quiet time."

"Of course. Come get me if you need me. I'll likely be in my room or in the living room behind the grey couch."

Bokuto hummed. Sugawara left and Bokuto sat against the wall behind the bed, holding Akaashi close. Akaashi sat in his lap sideways and rested where he liked to be. "I'm sorry for stressing you out last night. Both of my sets of parents suck."

"It's okay."

Bokuto rubbed Akaashi's hair, just at the base of his head. Akaashi's chest let off a loud thrumming sound and he closed his eyes. Bokuto chuckled softly, scratching a bit harder. "Did I find a good spot? Huh?"

Akaashi whined softly and nodded. The thrumming got louder and he giggled softly. "Mm..."

"Yeah? Is it like when I scratch Pumpkin's ears?"

"Kind of." Akaashi giggled again. "It feels nice."

Bokuto stopped and just smiled, holding Akaashi. "You look exhausted haha."

"I'm just tired, I promise." Akaashi kissed Bokuto's cheek. "I'm kinda hungry."

"Wanna go ask Suga for food?"

Akaashi shrunk back. "No..."

"Why is that?"

"It's awkward."

Bokuto got up. "Gotcha."

Akaashi yelped. "No!"

"Keiji hush." Bokuto poked his head out of the room. "Hey Suga?"


"He's hungry."

"Is he allergic to anything?"


"We've got a bunch of peanut butter jellies already made. Take a few."

Bokuto nodded and grabbed three, giving one to Akaashi. Akaashi was cuddled up with his sandwich, nibbling and staying silent.

"Are you okay?"

"Mhmm... just thinkin..."

"Yeah? What about?"


Bokuto laid next to Akaashi. "That's new. Are you worried about him?"

"Sort of. I've been having dreams about him."

Bokuto's heart dropped. "What sort of dreams?"

"Dangerous ones," Akaashi whispered. "Either him hurting me in my most natural state or him being in a trance. The ones I can make. Or the ones Suga may be able to make."

"Did you want to talk to him about these dreams? We can talk."

Akaashi nodded. "I do want Sugawara to put me in some sort of trance to fix me."


"Mhmm. I want to know what he could do though."

"I'll ask Daichi."

Akaashi nodded. His eyes flashed black.

"What's wrong?"

Akaashi shook his head. "Nothing."

Bokuto sat up and held Akaashi's face in his hands. "Hey honey... I can see your little gills babe. Are you struggling to hold your form?"


"I'll ask Suga if we can take a bath. I'll join you."

Akaashi nodded. He went with Bokuto into the living room. "Hey Sugawara?"


Bokuto spoke for Akaashi. "He's struggling to hold his form. Is it okay to go lay in the tub?"

"Yeah. Salt's under the sink. Keiji come here, let me see." Akaashi got closer and Sugawara gently touched his neck and face. "Oh gosh."

"I'm going to see if this helps."

"I sure hope it does. I think when I was-" Sugawara paused. "Keiji?"

Akaashi jolted and stared blankly at Sugawara. Bokuto got closer. "Hey, hey, hey let's go get you in the bath."

Akaashi stared, eyes unfocusing until they turned white. Bokuto shook his shoulder. Sugawara forced him to sit down and sort of panicked, desperately trying to get him to come back. Bokuto tried anything he could with words and even attempted to scratch his hair. Akaashi just stared, blank and not at all there. His mouth hung open slightly as if prepared to say something.

Sugawara tried to press salt water rags into his skin but nothing seemed to work. Daichi got home within the next few hours and attempted to get Akaashi back to normal. He stayed in a trance-like state for another two or three hours.

His whole body was still and he wouldn't respond to anything at all. It was terrifying to watch as he barely breathed. Bokuto sat by him and held his hand, watching him intently.

Finally, his eyes closed and Daichi held him up as he fainted. He woke him up and Akaashi stared at all of them, his eyes black. Bokuto leaned down. "Hey, hey, hey..."

Akaashi gulped. "Kuroo's in danger."

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