Liam the Cat (Short)

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After everything that had over the war... Running away from Infinite, saving Sonic, standing up to Infinite and eventually beating him... Liam the Cat went through many difficult trials to get him to this very moment.

Liam and the two Sonic had supposedly beat the Mega Death Egg that now possessed the phantom ruby. But that ended up being false. A white robot had appeared out of the robots chest.

All of a sudden we were in null space making out final runs at the tin can. After many hits it looked like we were going to win. That the world was finally going to be saved.

But may I ask you something...?

Why do bad things happen to good people...?

A rocket knocked the cat off the platform and into the depths of null space below.

The blue hedgehog yelled his name... Its was of no use... Liam the cat was gone.

Or so everyone thought.

A certain scientist found him unconscious one day. When the cat woke he had no memory of anything.

That was when the scientist had a very good idea. The scientist told the cat many lies. Making it sound like Sonic and the others were bad guys and Robotnik and his badniks were good. Making it sound like Sonic and the others were reason for the cat's memory lose. Liam ended up joining the Eggman empire along with the scientist.

But who was the scientist that found him you ask?

Doctor Starline of course.

(So as you can see some stuff from the idw comics will be present in this story. Just not the stuff with Eggman losing his memory as well. I will say I do have one more sonic oc that I'm planning to appear in this story and he is in fact a human. Well he is for now >:). I will not elaborate further.)

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