Chapter 13

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I was still left in a state of fear after what Shadow did last night. He yelled all those things at me and I had no idea what he was talking about. I honestly didn't want to be around him for the time being... I had already been avoiding him all morning. He seemed to try to approach me early. He seemed like he had a much different demeanor than before. He almost looked sorry. But I wasn't taking any chances. I decided to hang out with the other members of team dark instead. Rouge and Omega. We had been in town but I had been most quiet for must of the time just looking down. 

"Is something wrong, hun? You've been look down all day." Rouge asks me with a concerned expression.

"Affirmative. You have been looking sad all day." Omega added with his very robotic voice.

"O-oh its nothing at all. I've just been down since Eggman attacked myself and Cream last night.

"Ben. You said you were grumpy but not sad because of that. Is was Shadow wasn't it? What did he tell you?" I suppose Rouge was able to see through my lie quite easily. I just sighed.

"He didn't tell me anythin-"

"Lie detected." Omega cut me off as I was about to finish my sentence.

"I wasn't ly-"

"Another lie detected. I can tell that you are lying. Your ears droop and then come back up when lying." I covered my ears though in embarrassment.

"Don't worry about it hun. I think its actually adorable." I made recently learned what these compliments Rouge had have me meant. In other words I asked Amy when she called me such things. 

"I am not adorab-"

"Your ears drooped again."

"Shut up Omega!"

After I cooled down I did end up telling them both of what happened. Though it did take a fair bit. My face felt warm with embarrassment for a long time. I honestly should question why my face felt warm but I have other things on my mind at the moment.

"After everyone else went to bed Shadow suddenly grabbed me and slammed me into a wall. He started to yell at me like how was I alive. And that he lost me. I had no idea what he was talking about and I still do not. He said he mourned for me and... I'm just so lost..." As I finished speaking Rouge suddenly hugged me. Omega didn't seem to know what to do so he just attempted to pat my head with one of his robotic hands. 

"Its alright honey... Your safe. No won't touch you again. I will make sure I have a word with him later alright?" I nod slightly. Though I was unable to cry I very much so wanted to. 

"Thank you, Rouge... You too Omega."

We had stayed out for a bit longer. Now I was in much a better mood. Rouge had actually told me that Shadow seemed sad this morning as well. Perhaps he regretted speaking to me the way he did? I do not want to get my hopes up but it is something that I hope I am right about.

"So, Ben is there anything you want to do before we go back to our base?" Rouge asked me while we continued to walk. I rubbed my chin a little as I started to think.

"Nothing really comes to mind. How about you Omega?"

"I know a oil shop around the street. Its oil is what you organic lifeforms would say is tasty." I blinked a few times. Does Omega drink oil? How does one even do that? Can I drink oil somehow? I am a robot. We did end up going to that said store but we didn't do much there. We did eventually go back to the base. After I had got there I proceeded to watch these so called cartoons with Cream. They were actually quite entertaining. I did that for the decent bit of the day before it had gotten late. I sent Cream to bed much to her dismay but that changed when I told her a bedtime story. I basically just recalled the last time I had beaten Eggman but instead with all of us it was a knight defending a princess from a giant monster. She soon fell asleep and I tucked her in like I did before. As I left Amy appeared infront of me.

"Well someone is taking up the father figure role nicely." I raised my eyebrow.

"Father figure? I do not understand." 

"You don't know what a father is?" She asked me. I shook my head.

"Do you even have a father?"

"What is that? Is that some sort of disease?" Amy blinked and just sighed.

"I'll tell you some other time. Anywayyyyys how'd your date with Rouge go yesterday? I meant to ask but I forgot to." I just looked at her confusingly.

"What is a date-"

"Oh my god..."

Amy then soon after explained what a date was to me. 

"Ohhhh. Well my time with her was quite nice. We shopped a bit and I even gave her a flower. But I wouldn't call it a date because we are not this boyfriend or girlfriend you speak of." Amy just rolled her eyes at how dense the green hedgehog in front of her was.

"Well did anything else interesting happen?"

"She kissed me on the cheek-

"She did what?!" I jumped at the sudden outburst from Amy. 

"Why are you yelling? She just said it was a gift for giving her a flower. I do not understand why it was worth to yell." Amy could not believe of how dense Ben was at this point. She could tell early on when she met him that he was not the most knowledgeable on somethings. It felt like he had no idea how relationships worked at all. She needed to fix that.

"Ben sit down. I have to teach you a thing or two about relationships and romance."

"But I am already sitting." Amy facepalmed. This was going to be a long night.

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