Chapter 4

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Like I had thought Eggman did not see fit to repair me at this time. He was far more concerned and his plan. And it just ended up blowing up in his face. The phantom ruby was destroyed. Infinite is who knows where and Eggman's rule over the world is no more. So certainly now you think he would have time to fix me. Nope. He's just drowning in self pity at the moment.

A few days pass and he has finally fixed me up. Though he did not seem very happy to do so. Probably still mad about his loss. I honestly couldn't care much less about it anymore if I'll be honest. So much of the wonderful nature he could have destroyed was saved. The only thing that saddens me is not knowing where Infinite was. I can only hope that he's alive somewhere. Though Eggman doesn't seem to miss him. In his books he's just another failure. This of course made me rather upset. 

Infinite did so much for the doctor but yet when it comes down to things it doesn't matter to Eggman. I honestly question why I even am still following orders from this man. He's downright cruel to me and everyone else that are his 'allies'. Perhaps it would be wise to take a walk.

And a walk I took. Surprisingly walks always seemed to clear my head and now that I'm fixed I can finally do so. I had been walking for awhile till I started to hear voices from far away. Familiar ones at that. It seems I had stumbled upon a house of some sorts... Oh house that Sonic and his friends are at?! Why are they in a house in the forest? Perhaps they are having some sort of vacation after they're victory. They all seem so happy with each other... Well except this Shadow person. He does seem to be smiling slightly as he seems to be talking to a bat mobian and a robot. Though some I have seen from research just not in person. But yet again... they seem so happy.... What is this feeling... Jealousy? 

Besides Infinite I had never had a true friend before... Maybe... maybe I should leave Eggman... It would probably make me a lot happier... I should probably head back before making such decisions though... I walk away from the location I had found and realized I had been gone for awhile. It seems the sun is starting to set. I do love sunsets... They are so beautiful... I sat down down on a log to admire the sunset.

And I did just that... I do not care if Robotnik wants me back at base. I honestly couldn't care less about what he thinks at this point... Perhaps I should leave him... But I doubt I could show my face to Sonic and friends so easily. I doubt they would accept me... What to do then... That's when I heard a gasp behind me and I saw what looks like a young rabbit mobian behind me. She looked rather shocked to see a robot like myself in front of her. My mind said for me so run but I honestly did not believe this child would do much harm to me if I stayed. So I went back and gazed at the sunset.

The child's face went of one to shock to confusion. Why wasn't one of Eggman's creations attacking her? And it was looking at a sunset of all things. Cream didn't know that his creations could admire things as such. Except for Omega of course. The rabbit spoke to him.

"Are you watching the sunset, Mister..?" I stayed silent and nodded not knowing what else to do.

"Well they are quite pretty. Myself and my chao, Cheese watch them all the time." I continued to stay silent. The rabbit surprising had the courage to sit next to me.

"My name is Cream. What's yours?" I looked at her and stayed silent for a few moments before speaking.

"B-3N. I'm sure it is not wise to talk to one of Doctor Eggman's creations." The rabbit just smiled.

"Well you don't look very dangerous to me, Mister B-4N."

"There's a three not a four"

"Oh right. You know that doesn't sound like a good name. I think you deserve a real name." Deserve? A real name? I never thought about that. All I've ever had was letters and numbers as a name... Perhaps a different name would be nice...

"What are your suggestions?" 

"How about... Ben!" Ben huh... that doesn't sound that bad. As I was about to speak though I had a eruption of pain in my head. It did soon dial down though... I reopened my eyes to see Cream with a worried expression.

"Are you alright Mister?" 

"Y-yes I'm quite fine... thank you for the name but I think you should be going back with your friends. I don't believe they would like to see you with a badnik." Cream nodded slightly.

"I guess your right..." I saw her look back to where I first saw her. "Oh hi mister Shadow!" This made my eyes widen with shock as I quickly got up and looked to see Shadow who had just come out of the bushes. The moment we locked eyes he was again just as surprised to see me as the last. Though I wasted no time to run away from him and Cream.

Thankfully he did not follow this time. I suppose they had him go find Cream. I wonder if she noticed me and followed me... And about her... she showed such kindness to me. Why? I've been known as one of Eggman's most powerful creations and she started to talk to me... She even gave me a name... I soon got back to the base. Seems like Eggman didn't even notice I was gone. And even if he did he most certainly didn't care. Figures... I then headed to my pod for the night.

And I believe I have just made my decision.

All I need now is a plan.

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