Chapter 8

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After some thinking I decided to go with Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. Though I'll admit I was nervous. What if Eggman was actually there and tried to rat me out... I hope not but I have a strong feeling he will if he's there.

"I think I'll go with Sonic." I tell them. I hear Cream let out a quiet and sad aw sound. 

"Alright gang. Myself, Tails, Knuckles and Ben will defend the front. Silver, Amy and Cream to the right side and Shadz, Rouge and Omega can cover the left." Sonic exclaims to all of us.

"What about the south?" I ask. 

"Our scanners aren't picking up anything at the south of out base."

"Oh. That sure is convenient. Shall we get going then?" I ask to him. He nods and rushes out. Before running out myself I turn to Silver and I gesture to Cream.

"Keep her safe please. I do not find it ideal for a child to fight a bunch of robots.' Silver nods.

"Will do. But you would be surprised on how well she can hold her own." With that I ran out with Tails and Knuckles.

So bad news. Eggman was here. And it seems he was already bickering with Sonic. Figures.

"Come on egghead! You already know how this is going to done. We're gonna win your gonna be sent home crying to your mama!'

"Don't you bring Mombot into this!"

What on chaos' name are they talking about? I whisper to Tails.

"Do they argue like this often..?"

"Oh you have no idea." He whispers back. Though after some bickering Eggman actually noticed my presents.

"You! So this is really where you ran off to B-" I wasted no time and chaos controlled right infront of him and his eggmobile. I'm not sure why but all of a sudden I was filled with such rage. I punched his eggmobile and caused it to fly not too far away. Before I could go after him though his robots attacked me. But of course they were no match for my speed and my chaos abilities. I smashed every one of them with rage I didn't know I had. My vision started to look somewhat red and I kept destroying Eggman's robots. Soon Eggman came back with a large robot and tried to grab me with one of its arms. I dodge it and chaos blasted the robot several feet away. I could see Eggman crawl away from his robot. But he stopped as soon and I chaos controlled in front of him.

"You have some guts Eggman... Perhaps they would be... better served on the floor..." I formed a chaos spear in my hand and was ready to impale him with it. This clearly shocked him. As I was about to bring it down a hand grabbed my arm.

"Ben stop!" I turned to my right and saw Sonic looking at me with a bewildered expression.

"We can't kill Eggman! That not the kind of stuff we do around here!" I scoffed.

"Oh yeah right! Just like how you-" I looked to see Eggman flying away with his Eggmobile. I growl in rage as my chaos spear disappeared.

"Look what you did! Not he can't be served justice!"

"Are you listening to yourself, Ben?! This is not how you were acting when we met... Wait... Your eyes..." He stared at me.

"They're something red in them..." What does me mean...? My eye sight then seemed to go back to normal.

"W-what am I doing...?" I asked feeling very tired all of a sudden. I fall to down to a knee as Sonic keeps me steady...

"I don't know what came over me... I felt so angry... I'm sorry..." I say before wincing and hold my head. Why does my head hurt...?

"Maybe you used up too much of your energy..? It is getting late. And hey we beat Eggman so its no sweat. Just don't try to kill him again please." I nod. I really don't know what came over me though... And something red in my eyes... Was that why I was slightly seeing red? He helped me up and we both returned to base. Tails and Knuckles were already back and so were everyone else. Soon after most went to bed but Cream did talk to me before she did.

"Mister Sonic told me what happened. Are you alright?" She asked me while looking up at me with worried eyes. I patted her head.

"I am quite alright... I have a bit of a headache but that's nothing some rest won't fix. But hey lets not worry about me. Young rabbits like you need sleep to grow up big and strong. Have a goodnight sleep, Cream." She nodded with a smile before going to her room with Cheese. Soon after it was just myself left. You know now that I realize I can't really sleep or gain more charge. Perhaps I shall make myself a pod to recharge in? How would I be able to make an excuse for that though? This will require some thinking. I paced around the living area thinking of how I would make such a thing and how I would excuse it. Though I failed to realize Silver was also up. Though I did notice him shortly after. It looked like he was getting water from the kitchen. I heard him sigh and speak.

"Geez how long is it gonna take for me to sleep...?" He then noticed me after. "Oh, Ben I didn't know you were still up! What are you doing up anyways?

"Oh I was just thinking. Nothing much. How about you?"

"Oh I just have sleeping issues. Insomnia and nightmares can be a problem sometimes." Insomnia huh. I have heard of such a thing. Though nightmares are nothing new to me. I have had some myself despite being a robot. I should really look into that... I suppose I haven't till now though.

"Have you tried about think of happy thoughts? Perhaps of uhm... Cats? I don't really know what you like to be honest."

"Don't worry about it. But hey lucky you. You don't have to worry about such things since your a robot." He blinked a few times and his eyes widen and so do mine.


(I too have insomnia but unlike you mine is not caused by depression. Mine is because I play so much fortnite! I stay up late and go to tiltedtowers. Idon'tactuallyplayfortniteIdon'tknowanyotherplaces)

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