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RYAN POV: Yesterday when I got to my dorm I got in the shower and went straight to sleep. When I woke up it said I got a text from Seb and he said in the text message "I'm sorry Ryan we can talk about what happened" and when I went to messages it said I didn't have any unread messages so I guess it marked it read idrk what happened but I hope he doesn't think I ignored him on purpose. I looked at the time and I realized I had to start getting ready for school and I forgot to text Seb back.

                                   *At school*

Jackson- Hi Seb why are you so late

Seb- I over slept sorry

Jackson- I woke you up though and you got in the shower

Seb- Yea but then I was still really tired and didn't feel like going to school so I took a nap

Jackson- oh ok and what were you talking about yesterday when you said you don't know what to do anymore

Seb- nothing I was just in a sad mood

Jackson- oh well if you need anything or feel sad you can talk to me because you're my friend

Seb- ok well can I talk to you after school

Jackson- yea sure

Oliver- wow you can talk to him but not yo own brother that's crazy

Seb- my bad

Ryan- Seb

Seb- yes

Ryan- can you come with me really quick

Seb- sure

*They raise their hands and ask to go to the bathroom and the teacher says yes but they go and sit on the steps to talk*

Seb- so what is it and are you still mad at me. Also I wanted to tell you she kissed me I didn't kiss her and I was gonna push her off but you came to fast and misunderstood

Ryan- no im not mad at you anymore and ik she kissed you first she told me

Seb- ok well im sorry I didn't think about how you felt

Ryan- it's ok but I just wanted to tell you that I didn't see your message from yesterday until this morning and it said read but I didn't read it so I just wanted to tell you that I wasn't tryna ignore you

Seb- it's ok

Ryan- am I the reason why you said  I don't even know what to do anymore

Seb- um well yea it was but I meant it like I don't k-

Teacher- where is y'all supposed to be

Ryan- in class

Teacher- so what y'all doing

Seb- we just needed to talk and our teacher let us

Teacher- who class y'all supposed to be in

Ryan- we supposed to be in Mrs.Ugg class

Teacher- ok come with me

*they all walk to Mrs.ugg class*

Teacher- did you let them out the class to talk on the steps

Mrs.ugg- no I let them out to use the bathroom

Teacher- ok well they were on the steps talking

Mrs.ugg- ok thank you

Teacher- you welcome bye

Mrs.ugg- bye

Mrs.ugg- y'all not leaving this class no more

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