kinda a Heartbreak

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OLIVER POV: I wake up and Regie is texting someone and he's smiling really hard and I get jealous and try to see what it says but I can't see so I just ask him who he's texting.

Oliver- who you texting you're smiling really hard

Regie- This girl I've been talking to since yesterday

Oliver- *says quietly* oh ok

Regie- why you sound so sad now

Oliver- idk I'm not sad *in mind* yes I am

Regie- ok well do you wanna meet her

Oliver- uhh sure I guess

Regie- ok well I'm gonna go home and get dressed and call me at 1 to pick you up. Her house is 30 minutes away and yours is 30 minutes too and I set it up to meet her at 2:10 so I will pick you up then we will go to her house.

Oliver- ok bye Regie

Regie- Bye *hugs Oliver*

Oliver- Bye Regie. *says in head* he smells good

*Oliver gets dressed and it's only 12:40 so he calls his brother*

*On call*

Oli- Seb

Seb- yes

Oli- come to my room where are you

Seb- I'm in the garage here I come

*Seb goes in his brother room*
Seb- Oli

Oli- oh hey Seb I gotta tell you something

Seb- ok what is it

Oli- yesterday me and Regie kissed because of a bet but when I woke up he was talking to someone and turns out it's this girl he likes and now we both going to meet her at her house

Seb- So I was kinda right about one part of y'all kissing

Oli- yes but what about the girl

Seb- idrk what to do about that, but you can always have Ryan

Oli- why you keep saying that

Seb- jk bro

Oli- Ik you're jp but still

Seb- ok sorry. Maybe tell him how you feel then

Oli- but I can't he has a gf basically, and I don't wanna ruin it

Seb- Well I think you should tell him and say ik you have a gf and you are straight, even though we don't know that just say it. Then be like I like you and I don't wanna ruin your relationship so I will get over it and you don't have to feel bad or break up with her just because I like you and I just wanted to tell you. That's all you have to say and you would have told him and probably not felt bad for it.

Oli- I can't I'm scared he doesn't even like me so what's the point of telling him all that

*timer goes off on Oli phone*

Oli- oh Seb I gotta call Regie to go meet the girl with him I'll talk to you later bye bro

Seb- alr bye Oli

Oliver- *calls Regie* it's 1 o'clock

Regie- ok I was already driving I will be there in 18 minutes

Oliver- ok

*Oliver walks outside and waits on Regie then when he comes he gets in the car with him*

*in the car*

Regie- Ok first I wanna tell you she ugly but I like her personality

Oliver- *laughs* ok Regie but that's kinda mean to call her ugly

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