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SEBASTIAN POV: Our break is over and its time to go back to our dorm me and oliver say bye to our mom and I wait in the car

Oliver : Mom

Olivers mom : Yea

Oliver: Can I talk to you

Olivers mom: Yeah

Oliver: Wait hold on mom *Texts Regie*

Oliver: Regie

Regie: Yeah

Oliver: Can i tell my mom about us?

Regie: Yeah thats fine but tell her not to tell my mom yet

Oliver: Ok bye ,love you ♥

Regie: Bye love you too

*Out of text*

Oliver: So..mom

Olivers mom: yes

Oliver: Promise me that you're not gonna get mad

Olivers mom: ok I won't I promise

Oliver: So me and Regie are together

Olivers mom: Aw thats cute
why would I be mad at you

Oliver: I don't know mom but thanks for supporting me

Olivers mom: Mhm *hugs oli* Wheres your brother

Oliver: In the car waiting

Olivers mom: Oh ok

Oliver :Well mom im going to go bye

Olivers mom: bye love ya

Oliver: I love you too

*Oliver leaves and gets in the car with Seb*

Sebastian: Dude what took you so long

Oliver: I told mom that me and Regie were dating

Sebastian: How'd it go?

Oliver: good but hold on before I start driving I gotta tell Regie

*in text*

Oliver: Regie

Regie: yea

Oliver: I told my mom about us it went really well

Regie: Thats good did you tell her the other parts

Oliver: Oh shoot hold on

*Texts mom*

Oliver: MOM

Mom: Why big letters and what

Oliver: PLS don't tell Regies mom that we are together

Mom: Ok I didn't and I won't

Oliver: Ok thanks mom you're the best

*Back to Regie *

Oliver: Ok I told her

Regie: Ok thanks

Oliver: You're welcome

*Out of text *

Oliver: Alr ima drive now

Sebastian: Finally

Oliver : Bruh shut up

*Oliver starts driving*

*38 minutes later*

Oliver: Alr we are here get your stuff

Sebastian: Ok

SEBASTIAN POV: Im tired from moving so ima just go to bed

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