one set

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OLIVER POV: I wake up and Regie is already up and he just sitting on the couch watching TikTok and when I checked the time it was 5 o'clock and we been out of school and I asked him why he didn't wake me up for school and he said I wouldn't wake up but I was breathing and his little sister used to sometimes do that so he knew I was ok and that he has proof because he knew I would probably be mad at him then he showed me a video of him tryna wake me up.

                            *Later in the day*

Regie- Oliver can I talk to you

Oliver- what do you want I was gonna go to Seb's dorm

Regie- I just wanna ask a question

Oliver- ok what

Regie- Are you mad at me for something?

Oliver- n-no why do you think that

Regie- you been seeming like you're mad at me

Oliver- how

Regie- the way you say stuff because you usually be like yes or yea but now you're saying what and what do you want and stuff

Oliver- oh sorry bye

Regie- see and giving short answers and walking away like you don't wanna talk to me

Oliver- sorry I don't know why I'm doing that

Regie- yes you do you just don't wanna tell me why

Oliver- Fine do you wanna know fr

Regie- yes

Oliver- ok but don't tease me or laugh or think I like you

Regie- ok I won't

Oliver- I was mad at you because you and my brother was all over each other and I was I guess jealous

Regie- *tries not to laugh*

Oliver- I thought you said you weren't gonna laugh

Regie- I'm not bro

Oliver- Yea you are, you just was finna laugh

Regie- ok I'm sorry, come here

Oliver- I'm right here wdym come here

Regie- give me a hug

Oliver- uh ok *hugs*

Regie- do you feel better now

Oliver- actually I kinda do *laughs*

Regie- and btw I don't like your brother like that

Oliver- ok

Regie- ok, well I guess now you can go to Seb's dorm

Oliver- can I tell you something

Regie- yea what is it

Oliver- I just said that to get away from you

Regie- oh............ um well I was finna go with Ryan to go eat do you wanna come with us.

Oliver- sure

                   *They drive to the restaurant*

Waiter- Welcome to Wokcano I'll be your waiter. Would you like to order your drinks rn or wait a couple minutes to see what you want.  ( I just looked up restaurants and picked one)

Regie- I want a Sangria

Ryan- I want a sprite

Oliver- I just want water

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