Bad Luck

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OLIVER POV: I wake up and Regie is sleep so I wake him up and I tell him that me and Seb is going to be going to our mom house for 3 days and he says ok I am going home too and I say ok then he goes back to sleep and I get ready and pack my stuff then call Seb and asks him if he is ready and he was still sleep and didn't do anything I was so mad but I just said ok tell me when you pack and get ready and he said ok then I hung up and went to use the bathroom and when I was in the bathroom Regie opened the door to go pee and I didn't lock it because I thought he was still sleep and I don't lock it anyway but he just walked out and waited for me to pee.

Regie- I thought you was going to see your family

Oliver- I am but I called Seb and he was sleep and didn't pack anything so I have to wait for him

Regie- oh ok

Oliver- when are you going

Regie- at 3

Oliver- oh what time is it

Regie- *checks time * it's 12:47

Oliver- oh ok thx *seb calls* hold on Regie

Seb- hello

Oliver- hello are you done packing

Seb- yea I'm done packing

Oliver- ok bye I'll be outside in a little bit.

Regie- Are y'all finna go

Oliver- yea we are Bye Reg

Regie- Bye Oli see you later *hugs Oli and they make eye contact*

Oliver- Bye Regie *grabs stuff and leaves*

*in the car*

Seb- go to the gas station I want to get something

Oliver- ok *turns into the gas station* Ima get something too

Seb- ok

*they walk into the gas station*

NOBODYS POV: They walk around the gas station and get what they want then goes to the front to pay*

Cashier- here you go

Oliver- thx *walks outside* here's your bag Seb

Seb- thx


*Oliver falls to the floor and Seb screams, grabs him, then runs to the car and drives off and he tries not to cry and if he is feeling tears he wipes them fast so it won't fill his eyes and make his eyes blurry from the tears and as he is driving he keeps wiping his tears and tryna drive with one hand and trying to call his mom and not let his eyes get blurry and he ends up running into another car and the airbags pop out and deflates fast and then the other person gets out they car and talks to Seb and he tells the girl how his brother just got shot and he was driving to fast while wiping his tears and driving with one hand and trying to call his mom and the girl says oh my gosh I feel so bad for you I wont call the police we can just act like this never happened except you have to get new airbags and Seb says thank you so much you are so nice and I hope you do great in life and have a good healthy life. Then Seb calls his mom and tells her everything that happened and what hospital he is going to then he drives to the hospital and calls all the boys and they all show up to the hospital and watch him overnight. Eventually he wakes up and starts talking and Seb tells Oli how the doctors took the bullets out his leg and arms. Then after that Oli ate some food and went to sleep and his mom, dad, grandma, and uncle, and all the boys watched him sleep until visiting hours were over then they all went home and went to sleep.

*The next day*

SEBASTIAN POV: I wake up and the first thing I do is go to hospital to see Oli and my mom, Regie, and Darren is already there but they won't let us go see him until another 15 minutes so we wait 15 minutes then go to check on Oli and he's acting normal like nothing happened and the doctors said they gave him some medicine and he seems fine so he can go home today they just need to look at him a little bit more to make sure and it would only take like 1 hour so we all leave out the room because the doctors said we have too. Then we go call the other boys to tell them that Oli can get out today and they all come up to the hospital.

*1 hour later*

Doctor- ok we examined him and he doesn't have to stay again so imma just need one of the parents to sign these papers and we will be ready to go

Mom- *signs paper*

Doctor- ok imma go get the medicine for if he starts hurting and then y'all are free to go *goes and gets the medicine and brings it to them* ok here you go now you may leave

Mom- thanks

*they all leave and go out to eat and they were going to go somewhere else to have fun to celebrate but Oliver leg started hurting and he was tired because the hospital bed was uncomfortable so he went home and went to sleep*

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