Loose Lips Sink Ships.

Start from the beginning

Her life had completely changed in those four days she had spent at Driftmark, she had gained a future husband she did not want and lost the Father that she had very much wanted but one thing had remained constant Lucerys would always be queasy at sea so she stood in the wind and rain as she stroked her brothers back as he hurled over the side of the ship as her mother attempted to soothe a wailing Joffrey below deck. She watched as Jace stared daggers at Daemon's back as he stood with his daughters. She is at the opposite end of the boat to him but she can see him pointing out the different landmarks that could never be mistaken to be belonging to any keep other than Dragonstone. This brings a smile to her face as even at a distance she can see the joy of a father showing his ancestral home to his children for the first time even as Luke coughs and splutters into the sea. Her attention is split between comforting Luke and watching her Uncle and cousins therefore she doesn't notice Jaecerys approach her until he is speaking into her ear "Why is he here?"

"He's mothers uncle." she parrots back her mothers response to her to Jace because she honestly doesn't have it in her to have this conversation at this moment.

"He has always been mothers uncle and yet we have never met him not once in fifteen years. So what is he doing now returning with us to our home?" Jace says and she can tell he's angry and that although he's phrased it like a question he's certainly going to be the one with an answer.

"He's just lost his wife and his children, a mother and he's a Targaryen. Is it really such a surprise that he wishes to see Dragonstone? Perhaps he just wants the comforts of home." She says with little interest.

"You're doing it again." he says, his tone still laced with anger.

"What?" Anne sighs as she passes the goblet of water she had been holding to Luke who was having a momentary reprieve from his bouts of sickness.

"Being willfully naive, Annerys." he tells her firmly.

Anne scoffs at him before turning away from him and rubs Luke's back as a form of distraction and as a silent way of telling Jace that they will talk of this no further. Which Jace ignores and continues angered by Annerys' refusal to join him in his anger so he says "And it's for that very reason that you now have to marry Aegon."

"Don't be mean Jace just because life is not going your way." Anne says curtly now upset with the way Jace has chosen to lash out at her.

This only further angers Jace as he gets louder even with the wind, the waves and the rain Jace is heard across the deck of the boat "You do not think of consequences just like mother and look at us all because of it."

The bustle upon the boats silence as they await the Prince's next actions but Anne only has to look at her brother to know that he's ready to question their legitimacy for all to hear.

"Jace be quiet." She spits out at him as Luke stares up at the two, still too young to fully understand why his two elder siblings are fighting but old enough to know that it is nothing good.

"What do you think he is doing here, hmm? Have you never heard the rumours."

"Jace I mean it, shut up!" She attempts to command him.

"Father is dead and he is here." He says with venom.

Anne is about to once again try and get her brother to see reason and calm down in front of all of the men sailing their ship and the man he's so enraged over before she hears a man's voice bellow "You will say no more!" and its not that he shouts it especially loudly but it's said with a sense of finality that leaves no room for negotiations. She feels Luke curl into her side at the sound unused to the anger of a man. Anne watches as clarity washes across her brother's eyes as his sanity returns to him once more he turns to look at Anne in search of comfort from his twin but she turns away from him and places all of her attention onto Luke instead. Which is how she stays until she hears him storm below deck most probably even after all he has said to their Mother where she will offer him love and comfort.

Kingdom Fall : Aegon II TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now