Chapter 83 - Meeting the Copy Cat Ninja

Start from the beginning

"Look, I need to get back to Iruka sensei and Naruto. I'm sure they're pissed off with the stunt I pulled. So if you don't mind I'll take my leave." Daichi said and waited for a response. But other than a small grunt he didn't get anything from Kakashi.

Daichi left the place and headed back to the academy.

Kakashi watched the child's disappearing form from the corner of his eyes. 'I've only seen one other person with such shurikenjutsu skills and strength at his age... Itachi Uchiha! And based on what I've seen today, I have a feeling this kid's talent is on the same level as Itachi's! Who is this child?'

Shortly afterwards several patrolling ninjas appeared and they took the three spies into custody. Kakashi then quickly made his way to the Hokage's office.

The Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi was stamping away at the documents as usual. With the removal of Danzo from power and the loss of the Uchiha military force, his workload had increased significantly.

"Lord Hokage, Kakashi Hatake is here to see you." His secretary informed him.

"Send him in."

Sarutobi looked up from the papers and saw Kakashi casually walking in with his usual book in his hands. Kakashi then closed the book and greeted his kage.

"Lord Hokage."

"What brings you here Kakashi?"

"A couple of things. First, we found the teammates of the enemy spy that infiltrated a week ago. They are currently incapacitated and being taken to the interrogation rooms."

"Good work bringing them in, Kakashi. Ibiki will get everything we need from those three."

"Yeah. That's the second thing. I'm not the one who dealt with them. It was a student in the academy named Daichi Hekima."

Hiruzen's eyes widened as he heard the name. 'Daichi? What was he doing fighting enemy ninjas?' "Tell me everything."

"Yes sir." Kakashi began reporting even from his point of view.


Kakashi was running through the tree and headed for the back hills as fast as he could. He met Shikamaru and Choji earlier while they were roaming outside the academy and heard what had happened. He instructed them to head back to the academy and left for the hills.

'There is a possibility that enemies could be lurking there. If that's the case then Iruka won't be able to keep the children safe while fighting them. I need to get there before anything happens.'

Kakashi entered the forest and was able to track their location. He neared Iruka and the two students and before he could reveal himself he heard one of the students mention that they were a shadow clone. Kakashi could see the surprise and then anger forming on Iruka and Naruto's face. But he didn't stick around to find out what happened next.

Kakashi silently leapt through the trees and headed in the direction Iruka and his group were running from. 'That reckless kid. He's going to get himself killed.'

He then sensed the presence of several people ahead. He quickly landed on a nearby tree and hid.

"What are you talking about?"

Kakashi heard the spy asking the boy. 'So that's the kid huh.'

"I'm not a clone. I'm the real deal... It's true that I did create a clone. But it's to distract them. They wouldn't have left if they knew I would stay behind to fight. So... I used the clone as a distraction. A distraction for them that is..."

The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima [Vol. 01]Where stories live. Discover now