C < as always for you the only thing that matters is sex. You always reduce everything to sex!>

M < tell me what else I could possibly talk about... there is nothing between us, Carina!> her sentence hurts me so much that I have to sit. Maya shuts up to let settle the force and the consequences of her phrase between us.

C < what do you mean?> and I don't have the courage to look her in the face, because when I said I love her, I really meant it, even if maybe I'm not able anymore to show it as a normal person.

M < be honest, Car. Since we met again things are changed and a lot. Before I sensed that you wanted to spend time with me, you used to do somersaults to take me to my physiotherapy, to be there at my medical appointments... since when I am better, there is no more space for me, neither for us..>

C < I just told you I love you...> I whisper. Maya nods.

M < yeah. It was an exception, indeed. A moment of light, but if you watch all our situation in general you can feel something is wrong.. > again, I can't help but admit she is right.

C < what are you trying to say?> Maya shrugs and seem to me suddenly so tired.

M < I'm trying to say to you, for months now, that I want to stay with you..>

C < we have been together...> Maya smirks.

M < I didn't mean sexually...> she specifies and I pass my hands on my face, exhausted.

C < what do you want, Maya? Can you please talk clearly? Please!>

M < I talk clearly for months. You are the one who doesn't know what wants..> she attacks me, making me feel nervous.

C < just stop speak in my place!> I react with anger.

M < every time we speak, YOU talk about sex, you accuse me to just want to fuck...so? Yeah, I want to fuck you! What's the problem in this?>

C < why are you still there? What would you want to do? Fuck me on the kitchen's table?> I don't know why I say exactly these things that are exactly my erotic dream from the other night. Maya's pupils dilate and she swallows.

M < even if it was the case, what would be the problem?>

C < so, I am the problem, Maya?> she nods.

M < yes, Carina, yes! You are the one who doesn't understand that I want everything! I want to fuck you on the kitchen's table, I want to make love to you on bed in the morning, I want to just sleep with you, I want to eat with you, not only on you, I want to go on Sunday's trip, I want to share the bills, I want to vent if I had a problem on the job and I want you to do the same..> I swallow in trouble. < I want to take Vivi at kindergarten with you, or I want to be the first you call when you can't go to pick up her in the afternoon.. I don't want to come after everybody else... I want to be always the first when it's about Vivi, I want to play with her, I want to put her in bed at night...> as a reaction I'm about to laugh and she stops immediately.

M < do you find it funny?>

C < no, but I think you make everything so easy... too much easy, maybe...> she shakes her head.

M < I never said it's easy. I said it's what I want and it's what I want to work to... I know it takes time before Vivi can even remotely see me as a reference point, but that's what I want. I would love you could be happy about that, you could be by my side... instead it seems you are bothered by this..>

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