Chapter 10: Welcome to My Ice Queendom

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"So let me get this straight... You got in a fight with Blake who turns out to be a Faunus and got into said fight with her because she is a Faunus and now you need my help because you're currently out busting one of the biggest Dust Hijackings since over half a year which is somehow linked to Blake since the White Fang are behind this Hijack. Did I forget anything?" Diego exclaims in a patient yet exasperated tone through his scroll in which he was in a call with Weiss Schnee, a former good friend of his. Diego along with the rest of his team: Vasillis, N and Tanner are on a Bullhead being flown by one of the school staff members. They quickly responded to RWBY's cry of distress and are on their way to the port of Vale where the action is going on.

"YES! Don't patronize me, Coronatus! Are you gonna help us or not!?? I better not be wasting my time on you!" Weiss yells into her scroll in a way that conveys her anger perfectly, she runs along the streets with Yang who is close to dying of embarrassment as the citizens stare at them seeing as Weiss is losing her calm over the scroll.

"Calm down, Ice Princess... We're already on the Bullhead and we'll be there in less than five minutes." Diego says while walking over to the window and placing a hand on it. "After this... We need to talk, I've- We've been avoiding each other, that needs to stop. Let's talk after this..." Diego forces himself to say while glaring at N who smiles to himself after all it was the Poet's idea to have them talk it out. 

"..." There was silence on Weiss's side for a moment. She finally decides to break the silence and give her verdict. Her lips opened, "Fine, you do me a favor, I do you a favor" She responds softer than usual but still with an air of haughtiness into her scroll. An irritated smile appears on Diego's face but he convinces himself it's a step forward it's not like he imagined it was would be easy mending their relationship. Weiss continues "After this... I'll give you 5 minutes in front of the dorms. I won't have you complain and you better not keep me waiting!" she hangs up, he scratches his head and releases a deep sigh. He can't tell if it's because of Weiss's overbearing attitude or is it because of a huge weight had been lifted from his chest.

"I have told you that it could both do you good. I'm not often mistaken, you know." N asserts while smirking as if he were waiting for Diego to say 'you're right', he closes his book and jabs it behind his back setting it in between his back and belt, he gets up and motions for Tanner and Vasillis to get ready for deploying who were busy playing a gacha game on their scrolls. 

"Yeah-Yeah, zip it, you meddler..." Diego chuckles also getting a small laugh out of N. It's been almost a semester since enrolling in Beacon, Diego's team has gotten used to his sarcastic and sassy remarks while in return Diego grew to tolerate N's silence and cockiness when it comes to certain subjects... although he still despises how N, after a few months, still somehow manages to remain mysterious. Speaking of a few months, DVNT had rose through the school's popularity due to their team's success in small time hunts or in sparring and even in studies (mostly due to Vasillis and N) and not to blow on his own horn but they are all considerably good-looking does help a lot in terms of popularity. Diego thinks back to CFVY, they're the ones keeping them ahead of the rest in all of those domains. Diego even put on a little of muscle thanks to Yatsuhashi and surprisingly did give him some good recipes so that he can feed himself properly instead of instead of Instant Cup Noodles, but at least he doesn't look like twigs mashed together and doesn't need to rely on G.C's exceed system to swing his sword although it is a nice habit to go wild on enemies with the exceed system. "Alright, team. Here's the plan: Vasillis and Tanner, you'll be in charge of blocking off exits for the culprits which are presumably The White Fang and to beat 'em up so that they can be handed to the police department. N and I will deal with the big baddies. Understood?" Diego turns to his team to see them all nod their heads in unison and agree to his plan, and if just on cue, the Bullhead's hatch springs open for them. "Alright, let's head out!" Diego is the first one to leap from the Bullhead, he falls head first and plummets towards the ground and a smile appears on his face since it's been a while since he's had some action in dealing with goons.

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