"They look lovely," Charles said, "you race with them?"

Maxie nodded shyly, taking them out and putting them on the table.

"You want Ferrari?" Maxie pointing at the red car.

"Sure," Charles said, "wait and see, I'll win this race,"

"Wait until you see me," Maxie said enthusiastically, taking out his own car. Soon the both of them were playing energetically, making car sounds and running with their cars over the floor. Maxie was laughing loudly even when he tripped over his own feet, but quickly righted himself again.

They were having great fun, and somehow it made Charles feel so much lighter to just play around like that. He had been feeling so stressed lately, and just being with a little made his body produce certain hormones that helped him relax.

Maxie seemed happy, playing with him with a big grin, but then the little glanced at the clock, and suddenly stopped playing, making Charles look at him in surprise, wondering what was wrong.

"Maxie, aren't you going to play anymore?" Charles asked hesitantly, the little looking at him with big eyes.

"No, I have to go to bed," he said, biting his lip, "should have gone to bed half an hour ago,"

"Oh, half an hour isn't going to do much," Charles said, but Maxie shook his head vigoursly, seemingly upset.

"Need to go to bed now," he said, packing in his cars as quick he could, looking anxious.

"Can I help you?" Charles asked, not wanting to just leave.

"No, Maxie go to bed, night night," Maxie said, going off to his bedroom without any further words. Charles stood there for a moment before following Maxie, stunned by the development.

"Maxie, why is it so important?" Charles asked, seeing the little wanting to climb in the crib, but he put his hand on Maxie's arm, who looked at him. This suddenness wasn't normal.

"Need to keep schedule dad made," Maxie said, "need to do my best to be a good boy,"

"Ah, that's okay I guess," Charles said, not knowing what to say about that. Maxie was about to get into the crib when Charles thought about something else, "and your diaper? Isn't it wet?"

Maxie blinked at him, and then looked away, shifting nervously before crawling under the sheets.

"Need to sleep," he said, instead of answering Charles question. For a moment the Ferrari driver didn't know what to do, just staring down at Max, who closed his eyes and was ignoring him for the moment.

"Here, let me check," he said in the end, thinking about the forming rash, and knowing that if the little stayed in a wet diaper too long, it would get even worse.

"No," Maxie whined, opening his eyes again, "dad doesn't like when Maxie is bad. Is sleepy time, otherwise Maxie be tired tomorrow,"

Charles saw the tears appear in Maxie's eyes, and hesitated again, but then he decided to just go on.

"It's just a moment, okay. I think your dad won't like it when you can't sit still in your car because of a rash," Charles said, and Maxie bit his lip, shrugging, not daring to say that his dad didn't care if he had a rash or not, that he expected Maxie to sit still. He knew that some people thought his dad could be a bit mean at times, but it was just to make him a better driver. Maxie believed that his dad really did have his best interests in mind.

Charles looked at Maxie, who wasn't answering at all, instead just nervously tugging at his sheets. He took the silence as permission, and took the sheets from Maxi's hands and pulled them away. Then he pulled the pants down, seeing the by now wet diaper, this time the indicator thoroughly coloured.

"I think a dry one before bed is in order," Charles said, going over to the bag, "I'll help you and then I'll tuck you in,"

"'Kay," came softly from Maxie, who nervously tugged his sleeping shirt.

Charles quickly took a clean diaper from the bag and returned to the crib, letting Maxie lie in there for the change. He pulled off the pants completely, before slowly untabbing the diaper. A wipe was used to clean the area before he put the clean diaper under Maxie, tugging it in place.

The front was pulled up between the leg and then closed, before the pyjama pants were pulled back on. Charles took the shirt and pulled it down a little, making the bulge of the diaper look less prominent.

"See, that didn't take too long," Charles said with a smile, putting the blankies back over Maxie, "and now you can go sleep,"

Without thinking Charles leaned over and gave a kiss on Maxie's forehead, earning himself a giggle from the little.

"Tickles," Maxie said, giving Charles a hug, "night, night,"

"Sleep tight, Maxie," Charles said, doing the bars up while he pretended that his own actions hadn't taken him by surprise. He turned off the light when he left the room and closed the door.

Once on the other side, he stood in the small apartment room for a few moments, the smile leaving his face.

He didn't like the thought of leaving Max on his own like this, knowing that there wasn't anyone checking in in the morning to see the little was alright. Hell, Max even had no one to help him with his diapers when he was in headspace, so how could he leave the little to fend on his own in the morning?

He looked around and saw the two key cards lying on a small table next to the door. He didn't even hesitate when he grabbed one. If there was no one that could check on Max, then he would do it. At least with this, he was sure that he could get in even if Max was too small to get out of the crib himself.

For now, he would just go to out for a moment and see if he could get some diaper cream somewhere at this time of night, knowing that Maxie would need it. As a caregiver it was difficult to see a little in such obvious need. At least, he would be able to help tomorrow. Yes, let's just find some diaper cream, and tomorrow morning, big or little, Max was going to get a layer of it on his bum.

Max heard the door to his bedroom close and waited a few minutes longer until he heard the door to his hotel room close as well before he opened his eyes. The room was dark, but that was okay.

Knowing that Charles was gone for the moment, he felt underneath his pillow, taking out the paci and putting it in his mouth. He shifted slightly, feeling the itchy, slightly painful rash. He was glad that Charles had helped change him, but he knew that it would be useless in the long end.

It would take days for Maxie to get rid of the painful redness, and he just hoped it didn't get too much worse. Last time it had been really bad, and he had spent two weeks with a painful behind, spending the time in the apartment lying on an open folded diaper, with his bare ass in the air, knowing that the wounds needed to air out.

He hoped he wouldn't need to do that this time, but with the way he was feeling, he was fearing that that would be the only solution.

A yawn escaped him, and he snuggled a bit better in his blankets, ignoring his worries for the moment. Holding bunny close while he sucked the broken paci, Maxie fell asleep easily, dreaming of the fun evening he had with Charles. 

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