"I want pickles and peanut butter babe." Elle said excitedly and I scrunched my face up disgustedly. Who in their right mind eats those things?

The last time I checked, Elle doesn't eat pickles. I know that for sure. "Angel, you don't eat pickles— remember you said they taste bad." I reminded her and she frowned.

"B-But I want it today, I'll eat it I promise." I sighed and planned to get her whatever she wanted no matter how I had to get it.

These days I've been noticing the kind of food she eats, they're strange but I don't say anything. I don't even know what to think of them, like the; Pickle juice, Apple and tomato sauce, Krispy kreme donuts and tuna, Oreo and salmon, Egg and nutella, Baked potato and ice cream, Soy sauce and mango.


Somehow I got the pickles and peanut butter for her, she sat down eating it and I had to just stare at her. This girl should've been gagging already because she hates this thing, it's just so disgusting.

She looked at me with a pout on her lips. "Why are you looking at me as if I disgust you?" She asked with teary eyes. Huh? What the fuck?

My eyes widened at the fact that she's really crying. "No baby, don't cry." I went beside her and wiped her tears." I'm sorry angel, you know I'm not disgusted by you." She nodded and went back to eating. I- Wha—

I went back to my seat and just watched her eat the whole thing up. God, she's the most gorgeous woman I've ever laid my eyes on. As I looked at her, I realized she's glowing even when she looks slightly paled.

I've also noticed she has gained some weight, not that I have a problem with it because my baby looks even more beautiful than ever.

My brows furrowed at the way her blouse slid up her stomach which showcased almost half of it. Wow, it looked—

Before I could think any further, she pushed back down her blouse quickly and my eyes met hers, making me widened it, at being caught red handed. I looked away from her, suddenly finding the table very interesting.

I love this color th

"Why are you staring at my stomach?" She asked defensively and gulped.

I cleared my throat before answering. "Nothing angel, I was just admiring you." I said trying not to think about that small bump I saw.

"You're thinking about how fat I'm getting, aren't you?" She said accusingly with a glare and I groaned.

"What? no, why would you even think that? and even if you are gaining a little weight, you're still the most gorgeous woman in the world." I rushed out, trying to not get her upset.

She looks even more angrier than before and I mentally chopped off my balls off with my choice of words. "You have the nerve sitting there, calling me fat." She sniffed and I clenched my jaw. God, what's wrong with her?

"Baby, I did not call you fat. What's wrong with you all of a sudden?" I asked wiping her tears away. "Come on, let's get back to the doctor. He must be waiting for us." She shook her head and I sighed.

"Elle can you please get up so that we can leave?" I asked as nicely as I could but she kept shaking her head, stubbornly. "Okay woman, that's it for your spoiled ass."

I swear I spoiled her ass too much. I immediately picked her up and threw her over my shoulders, carrying her outside and to the car. "Put me down, you jerk!" She shouted and bit into my back, making me groan.

"Angel, bite me all you want but unfortunately for you the pain will only turn me on even more and I might just bend you over in front of the Jeep and fuck you senselessly in sight of everyone." I rasped and I knew she was blushing.

𝙈𝙮 𝘽𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙚 𝘾𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝 | (𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙤 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 #1)Where stories live. Discover now