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"Take your hands off my daughter, you bitch

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"Take your hands off my daughter, you bitch." Sentimentality wasn't about to save me from Ellen who had no qualms about firing a warning shot into the wall above my head. "Now."

"The cavalry charges in with guns blazing, and you think I'm going to let go of the only thing keeping me alive?" I tutted. "And they all told me you were intelligent."

"Ellen, put the gun down," Castiel urged.

"The hell I will." Ellen pumped the gun for emphasis. Like mother like daughter, I supposed. "You ain't got a hope of gettin' out of here in one piece, so if you think you're so much smarter than us, smoke out and save your black-eyed ass before I pump you full of buckshot."

"Oh, I like her," I told the hunters. "She's got more sass than the others."

"Others?" Dean asked.

"You're the thing we've been tracking?" Sam realised. "You've been killing hunters?"

"Um, duh." I laughed. "Where did you think I was, on a cruise?"

Perhaps I should have made the announcement with more gravitas. Either way, the revelation shook the hunters. I could well understand why. I'd left a trail of complete carnage in my wake. It wasn't like I'd tried to hide that their deaths had been violent and supernatural. Sure, I kept off cameras to protect my identity, but that was it. Tempting though it was to let them find me and to bring them to me, I'd had a job to do. I could be vicious and have my fun, but I would never have made it so far through my list if I'd revealed myself to the Winchesters too early into my killing spree.

"What the hell did Crowley do to you?" Dean asked.

"Crowley?" I wrinkled my nose in disgust. "You think that I'd let that pathetic excuse for a demon dictate anything I do?"

The men shared uneasy glances. I couldn't pretend to understand what they'd been through during the past twelve months. I didn't care, either. Still, I assumed that they'd gone after Crowley. The last thing Castiel had seen before he'd been cast out of the motel room was Lee's betrayal. For all they knew, he was keeping Evelyn captive, and they needed to save him despite all his lies and claims that he had nothing to do with what happened. It was no wonder that they hadn't tracked me down if they'd wasted their efforts on the so-called King of Hell.

"Evelyn, let us help you," Castiel urged.

"What makes you think I need help?"

"This ain't you!" Bobby countered. "You ain't this –"

"Monster?" I offered helpfully. "Was that the word you were looking for? I've always been a monster, Bobby. It just took Lee to help me realise that it wasn't such a bad thing. That I could embrace it."

"No." Castiel stepped forward. I squeezed the girl's throat and the choking noise she made convinced the angel to stay put. He exhaled slowly through his nose. "The Evelyn we knew didn't want to be this. She was a hunter. A good person. Someone who cared about her family."

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