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Despite my request that he didn't move, it still surprised me to see Castiel standing in the bedroom upon my return

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Despite my request that he didn't move, it still surprised me to see Castiel standing in the bedroom upon my return. Thankfully, there'd been just enough in the bundle of clothing to pull together an outfit. It was nothing special; more jeans and an old t-shirt that was more bullet hole than fabric after years on the road. I wondered if he found it strange that humans changed their outfits or if that was something too far beneath him to even think about.

Well, whatever his opinion on the matter, he said nothing as I snatched up my wallet and tugged on my boots. If his stillness had been unnerving before, it was only amplified in the wake of what almost was. I avoided meeting his eyes when I held out a hand to his. Castiel always touched me on the shoulder or something before we teleported from one place to another, so I assumed this was a necessity rather than a choice. His warm fingers closed around mine and I silenced every stupid thought that tried to tell me there was more to it. Some ulterior motive for the contact. Of course, there wasn't, stupid brain. That I'd been the one to pull away ought to have put paid to any hopes or thoughts I had to the idea Castiel might be tempted to nearly kiss me ever again.

Well, good!

That was how it should be.

Rather than appearing outside in the open, we materialised in a vacant aisle near the entrance. I stepped away to grab a basket so I wouldn't need to juggle everything in my arms and marched with purpose toward our first stop. If Crowley did have demons on the lookout for me then I wanted to be in and out of the store as quickly as possible. There was no time to idle, yet Castiel found time to drift away from me to inspect random items.

"Why is it," he mused in the dairy aisle as he turned over a block of luminous yellow cheese in his hands, "that humans consume items that are more chemical than food?"

I heaved the milk into my basket before I walked back to collect him. After taking away the cheese and setting it in the cooler cabinet, I grasped his wrist and pulled him further down the aisle. "Because people like things that they know aren't good for them."

Kind of like kisses from angels who could tear you in half like a phone book.

Easy though it would've been for Castiel to transport us back to the house with a basket of stolen groceries, I wasn't so hard up that I couldn't afford to pay. My stepfather had been well off and, given my low-key lifestyle and penchant for trashy motels, I'd barely eaten into the inheritance he'd left. Not sure how he might have felt about me taking all his worldly possessions when I was the one who'd killed him, but it seemed more honest to me than running credit card scams like the Winchesters.

Not totally honest, obviously, but it didn't make me a criminal.

Well, the murder part did, but that wasn't important.

Castiel let me walk as far as the exit before he gripped my shoulder, and we reappeared in Bobby's kitchen. I'd have to find my own pet angel once I'd moved on from the hunters. They were more useful than they looked. I didn't know why every hunter didn't invest their time into befriending them. Then again, they might not all have been as nice or hot as Castiel.

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