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Castiel was an angel of his word

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Castiel was an angel of his word.

I didn't know when I'd fallen asleep again. That, in itself, was a miracle. The bed was too small for two people and our arrangement wasn't the most comfortable. I suspected that he'd used some of his power to knock me out. Perhaps he'd also taken away the nightmares because there'd been nothing but blissful nothingness until I'd opened my eyes.

If he'd been a human I'd have questioned which of us moved in the night. I'd observed during our short acquaintance that he was capable of remaining perfectly still if he was so inclined, and could well believe that Castiel could've stayed statue-like in bed throughout the night. However, when I woke, one of my legs was flung across his body and my head was on his chest. I'd curled my fingers around his crumpled white shirt and basked in his warmth and presence of him without a thought of his comfort.

Poor Castiel, he probably wanted to be a million miles away from me.

When I stirred, he placed a hand against my back. My first instinct was to reach for a weapon to cut the hand off whoever had dared touch me while I was vulnerable. Thankfully, the conversation we'd had the previous night rushed back and the tension left my body. Despite the sunlight streaming through the thin curtains, the room still felt dark. It was the lack of furniture. The disregard for the comfort of its occupants. The whole house was basically falling down around Bobby because keeping it liveable was second to making it safe.

"Morning," I mumbled against his shirt.

"Good morning."

Castiel was rigid and formal as always. I'd known the man a week and I'd barely seen him express anything close to emotion. It was a reminder that he wasn't human. Honestly, I had to wonder at the Winchesters keeping him around. Sure, he was a nice enough guy and handy in a fight, but Dean had been eager enough to get rid of me the moment he'd been told I wasn't human. For whatever reason, he thought better of Castiel. I could only imagine how long it'd taken the angel to earn the trust of a group of hunters.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes with the back of my hand and thought about sitting up off Castiel, but I couldn't see an easy way of doing so without falling out of the bed or smacking my head against the wall. Well, I could've just climbed out of bed completely, but I'd never been a morning person and I wasn't so inclined to leave the angel's casual embrace. After everything that'd happened, it was nice to take five minutes just to relax and breathe.

"Looks like I crossed some personal space boundaries while I was out," I tried to joke. "Guess you're not the only one who needs a lesson on those."

Castiel's fingers flexed against my back. "Angels don't place the same value on personal space as humans. I wasn't uncomfortable with the situation."

I tried not to read too deeply into his claim. I needed to remember that Castiel was socially inept. He probably didn't understand that saying he wasn't uncomfortable was tantamount to declaring that he enjoyed that I'd used him as a breathing body pillow during the night. Nor would he realise that he was making it more difficult for me to disentangle myself and climb out of bed.

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