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Becoming a demon's obsession hadn't been on my list of life goals

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Becoming a demon's obsession hadn't been on my list of life goals.

It wasn't on my list of death goals, either, if I was honest.

I was ready to snap back at the demon that I had no intention of becoming his anything, never mind an obsession, but we were rudely interrupted. With a rush of air and the rustle of a trench coat falling into place, the angel I'd met at Bobby's house stood over us in the hall. His expression was grave. I wasn't sure he knew how to arrange his face into anything else. Still, better him than Crowley.

The angel seemed to be of the same opinion. Not at all pleased to see the demon, he asked, "What are you doing here?"

Without missing a beat, Crowley affixed a smile to his face and stood. He held up his hands in a display of surrender and said, "Just taking care of a little problem."

Dean, Sam and Bobby weren't far behind. I could only assume that they'd spent some time debating whether they should follow me back to the house before they'd climbed in their Impala and made their way to town. They were much too late to deal with the demon problem, a child was dead, but I was still relieved to see them. Relieved and frightened. Crowley had me all figured out and was ready to spill my secrets if I didn't do as I was told. If he'd heard about what happened, there was a chance that other hunters had too. It seemed I had more to worry about than the things I knew about on my tail. There was a chance I was on a lot of wanted lists back home.

If I didn't make a change, someday I'd run out of places to hide from my past.

Dean pointed his gun square at Crowley's head. The demon wasn't intimidated. He didn't even flinch. It was clear that there was a history between the men, and it was only made more obvious when Crowley addressed him by name.

"Are you going to shoot me, Dean? That wouldn't be very polite after I've saved your friend, here."

"You what?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, you what?" I echoed.

"Saved your friend." Crowley was an accomplished liar. "Some of my employees went rogue and caught your pup by surprise. It's a good thing I was in the neighbourhood, or she'd be demon chow by now."

"Can we stop with the dog puns, please?" I asked.

"No can do, Fido." Crowley flashed a dashing smile at me before giving his attention back to the hunters. "This one's on the house, boys."

"Liar," Sam accused. "There's always a price with you, Crowley. What did you do to her?"

"Nothing, ask her yourself."

Bastard. He was going to tell them my secret if I ratted him out. The words tasted like poison as they rolled over my tongue and I spat the bitter lies, "It's true, a demon was inside the child, he removed it before it could kill me."

I narrowed my eyes at the demon. If I told them that he had dirt on me then they'd force me to confess to all my secrets, and then they'd probably kill me. Part of me knew it was better to die at the hands of the Winchesters than to do whatever Crowley had in store for me, but self-preservation won out and I couldn't bring myself to tell them the truth. I needed time, above all else. Time to think about how to reveal the demon's intentions. Well, I needed to discover what those were, first. All he'd said is that he wanted me where he could find me. I didn't believe that the Winchesters were in immediate danger. It wasn't like Crowley had told me to spy on them or to lead them into a trap. No, he wanted something else.

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